I used data on supernovae from this book to silence the atheists on an aol comment site. When I began to post, I was the only Christian on the board. When I ceased to comment, there were only Christians on the board.
Because you got all your fundy friends to post and drove everyone else away. Some people actually like to engage in online discussion with intelligent, thoughtful individuals, rather than to be preached at.
M. Horey, Lying for jesus is still lying . so you should hope that Atheists are right and your god (Along with all others) does not exist, cause if he does you're gonna burn right along with us atheists... Delicious irony
"we have to see Andromeda's naked body displayed (like a plucked chicken in the meat market) while she's taking a bath"
"contains a shot of the naked princess sitting on a rock combing her hair after a bath"
This guy's a hoot!
The author of the book is a chemist. I've seen a little of this book, most of it is people talking about things way outside of their expertise. for instance, the first scientist has a phd in mechanical engineering (which I'm working towards). But he talks about geology and unfortunately totally misrepresents the three laws of thermodynamics.
Well, whoopee doo for you, you lying fuck.
There's a great comment in reference to this twaddle posted on the Amazon site.
Heh, I loved the review by Thomas McMillen, sitting neatly amidst the bleatings of the desperate, wilfully-ignorant fundies:
This "book" is actually a collection of religious testimonies of 50 Christian "scientists". Actually, it has no central theme except for the bashing of evolutionary and comological science on religious grounds, not scientific grounds. And many of the "scientists" are not researchers, but practical applicants, such as engineers and doctors. The majority of these people speak outside their area of expertise, and when speaking inside their expertise, they fall back on personal feelings and outrageous speculation, not science, to uphold their belief in a 6 day creation. No new information is brought to the table at all, and little logic. No scientific basis is offered to dispute evolutionary science or cosmology. Scientifically speaking, this book is cartoonish. Theologically speaking, it's like a Baptist revival of nerds decrying god's magical power. Probably the worst thing this book does is continue the fallacy that one must adhere to a literal, fundamental interpretation of the Bible in order to call themself a Christian. It also promotes the fallacy that science objects to religion. Science has taken these cheap shots for years, yet the theories still stand and are more valid and accurate than ever before, and becoming moreso every day with every technological development. When will the Christians learn?
For starters, you have an unfortunate name. My sympathy. Sincerely. Mine too is somewhat unfortunate, but not along sexual lines.
Now to the business in hand, I assume that you silenced these unspeakable atheists by tearing the pages out of the book you refer to and rammed them down their throats.
Your final sentence is so reminiscent of the Pharisee who when up close to the Holy Place in the Temple and told god how good he thought he (the Pharisee) was. I can feel the self love and self congratulation and satisfaction oozing from the very words.
When I began to post, I was the only Christian on the board. When I ceased to comment, there were only Christians on the board.
I can't tell you the number of times I've heard very nearly this exact story while attending theist schools, in Sunday School, in church services, and at Summer Bible camp. The only difference is the slight change in the venue of the "super Christian's" evangalizing.
Seriously, you guys really need to invest in some new material. I know some professional comedy writers, if you're interested. I could get you a good rate but I'm going to need a 2% commission.
2008-Jun-18 06:52 AM
You chased away - or converted - everyone with a differing viewpoint? On the internet?
Surely you jest.
I'm not jesting....and don't call me Shirley.
(I'm so sorry. It was just sitting there screaming for the Leslie Nielson touch.)
I went to a church once and started waving a copy of "Return to Roswell" while shouting incoherently, swearing like a trooper from the Tourettes Troop's trophy-winning cuss-off team, breaking wind uncontrollably, and steadfastly resisting all attempts to reason with me or make me leave.
Went I went in I was the only non-believer in the church, when I evetually left, not one believer remained. From this I deduced that aliens really did crash at Roswell, NM!
When I ceased to comment, there were only Christians on the board.
This is because all of the non-christians left in disgust. People don't enjoy being preached at and told they're going to hell. Go figure.
Drove them all out with your intractable, irrelevant sticking points, huh?
Cripes, I hate AOL comments. It takes 5.4 seconds for an article about a cute puppy to become a cross section of humanity's dumbest and worst private thoughts.
"When I ceased to comment, there were only Christians on the board. "
The atheists were pointing and laughing so hard they couldn't type.
I wanna know what supernova data he used that was so devastating. Their typical range of absolute bolometric magnitudes? Their estimated and measured heavy-element synthesis ratios? Their frequency in a typical galactic supercluster?
Enquiring minds want to know!
Bah. If you REALLY want to brag, you should head straight to FSTDT and try the same shit here.
What's that scurrying I hear?
Yeah, all the atheists had abandoned the board and moved on to greener pastures.
Atheist: Oh crap not this guy again! I'm going to Yahoo! Answers.
Christian: Oh wow! This guy again! I'm going to stay here and listen to him reinforce my preconceived notions about the universe.
I checked Amazon.com's excerpt of that book. The first few pages contain so many errors you shouldn't have bothered to read further.
God did not write Exodus on stone, a chance event is still caused, an effect CAN be qualitively greater than it's cause (E.G. a sneeze can cause an avalanche).
Because irritating people who disagree with me until they leave in disgust proves that my opinion is objective truth.
Hey, it works for FOX News
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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