Reiner and Caamib #sexist
The women are just incapable underage girls at 15 or 35 is the only thing I agree with feminazis.
And as incapable underage girls all their lives, they should not vote, they should not participate in politics, they should not be allowed to open checking accounts, they should not be allowed to decide with whom to mate, and they should be a property that passes from the authority of the father to the authority of the husband.
I agree completely and doing my best to deny whatever I can from the things you mentioned to my girlfriend. I obviously can’t have things that are non-existent like property passes and I didn’t get to know her via our parents deciding to meet us up but other than things you mention here that are legally non-existent I try to completely cut her off from the things you mention. Thanks for being one of the aware men. I plan to gather those like you.