Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
This piece is NOT about Sports.
The Commissioner of MLB Baseball is Jewish
The Commissioner of NBA Basketball is Jewish
*As was his predecessor
The Commissioner of NHL Hockey is Jewish
*As was his predecessor (then called 'NHL President)
The Commissioner of MLS Soccer is Jewish
The Commissioner of NFL Football is NOT Jewish
NFL Football is truly America's national obsession. Yet, in spite of the fact that 30% of NFL team owners are Jewish, the Jews have never been able to install a fellow "Tribesman" as a Commissioner.
What to do? What to do?
Perhaps we can publicly expose some of the misdeeds of NFL players (as if THAT was anything new!) - and then call for Goodell's scalp?
The Jew Sulzberger's New York Times, the Jew Zuckerman's New York Daily News, and the Jew Iger's ESPN have all been pounding NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for Ray Rice hitting his wife, and Adrian Peterson for hitting his son.
But Roger Goodell has no control over the off-the-field actions of 1500 NFL players. What is the real game here?
If Goodell is forced out, and "the first Jewish Commissioner" takes his place, we shall know what the game was all about.