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The writhing Leviathan may have a golden spear through its belly, but the clawing limbs of that rough and slouching beast still bear the dripping poison of the pen and encourage the work of crime and treason in the dark places of our government.
The Deep State will not be dead before the 2020 elections.
You know this to be true, as all of us do.
So does President Donald Trump.
Support the man who serves us as the strong and present father of an America made great again!
Keep faith, as he has faith in us, that the momentum and trajectory of our beloved country is at last headed where it belongs.
It is not a question of whether our gorgeous banner of purity, valor and vigilant justice yet waves, but whether the land and the People it flutters over is a virtuous and united one.
Pull the oars, brothers! Unfurl the sails into the coming storm!
2020 comes, and we are no longer miserable orphans gazing at the strewn wreckage of a once glorious nation. There is a Patriarch at the helm, and his stern visage looks ahead.
Greatness grows, and you are part of it.
Do it, for our entire beloved family.
Without hesitation, do it: