Makia Freeman #conspiracy

The Zika Virus – Another Fake Pandemic Like Ebola?

It’s pretty early on in the life of the current zika phenomenon – and at this stage I would suggest calling it the zika phenomenon rather than the zika outbreak. However, the zika virus itself has been round a long time – since at least 1947. Guess who owns the patent for the zika virus? None other than at the Rockefeller Corporation. The Rockefellers are, of course, one of the most wealthy and powerful New World Order families. And, we know that Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine, all the way —

During the ebola scare of 2014, which turned out to essentially be a fake pandemic, I wrote the article Ebola: Hoaxing It Up! I pointed out the clues which showed that the whole thing was a fearmongering scam, and that whatever danger the virus posed was being blown way out of proportion. For instance, people were treating a supposedly delay virus in a ridiculous way, e.g. by walking through ebola-infected water with sandals. The Government was clearly using crisis actors, just as they do with all the false flag events of recent years. At the time, almost all the MSM and even many in the alternative media were hyping the threat, knowingly or not.

However, there was one man who stood his ground and insisted the whole thing was a hoax: Jon Rappoport. Jon has studied these pandemics very carefully over the years, from AIDS to SARS to ebola and more, and in my opinion, has the best grasp of these issues. His conclusion with zika is the same as with ebola: the zika phenomenon is a hoax, using the cover story of a “deadly virus” to hide other uncomfortable truths. It is full of unfounded assertions and presumptions, and based on little or no evidence.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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