I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.
"One nation under God" is not in the Constitution, chimp. It's in the Pledge, and only since the 50s.
All men are created equal, moron.
One Nation Under God
Est. 1952
@ shriekback
I was thinking more like the Munsters.
Come to think of it, the only good Bush is a Burning BUsh, with the firebrigade on strike.
Okay, first of all folks, stop confusing the two president Bushes. Second, I'd like to know the primary source of the quote. Really. Because this one does sound like an urban myth.
@Not You: That's not anything offical. That's just some guy making a claim. I guess we can all just assume that Clinton spent the better part of his years casually raping women - someone said it so it must be true, right? Or Jerry Falwell's shady videos of the "Vince Foster Conspiracy?"
Fail. I guess we post enough "Poe" on this sight that this quote isn't out of place, but without any real evidence, I'm reluctant to buy it.
@ Beach Ball
"some guy" being the person it was said to, in an interview, offering his own proof. By your logic, you'd need a tape of the incident, him holding two forms of government id, and his grandmother there confirming his identity.
Suppose it could be a case of he-said he-said, but Bush doesn't even claim to have not said it.
George Bush probably doesn't deny it because he probably doesn't give a shit what people on goofy message boards are saying.
Until Bush the elder says something similiar in public, I'll treat as it is - a rumor.
Right. Gotcha. One nation under god.
Which god was that now? Zeus? Pan? Odin? Saturn? Ra?
How about Thor? That's a guy we can all really get behind in these times of troubles. With Thor, America can really hammer the terra-ists.
A Friend , I thought the same thing, E Pluribus Unum, but checking in with Wiki, IGWT was adopted as the official motto in 1956, as a talisman against those devil-worshipping Rooski Pinkos.
Until some sacrilegious asshole changes the Great Seal, I'm sticking by E Pluribus Unum.
You know, the Revolution was fought, in part, to rid the colonies/states of those useless hereditary-privilege types. I guess the New World Order decided to restore that little tradition.
Point me to where ANY of the founding fathers endorsed religion, and you win. And also, show me evidence that contradicts the quotations of many of the founding fathers notably Thomas Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Madison, etc. that showed their dislike towards Christianity.
I won't hold my breathe.
Way to NOT uphold the constitution like you pledged to do with your hand on the Bible.
Palin, , Huckabee, Cheney, W. Bush, and many others have solemnly swore to uphold the constitution in their pledges to hold office. They and many others have ALL lied from day one, choosing to ignore the laws of the land to serve church (and other big corporations)sensibilities.
I realize it's not enough to face impeachment but there should always be a light shone on this betrayal of the American dream. Especially the likes of Huckabee or Texas legislators who take office mainly to introduce Christian dictates into law, thereby serving the church (and other big corporations) and not their constituants
And you totally fell for their trick. They, who wish to control you, put that there in the 50s, so that you'll think "Derp, they believing in Gawd, so evil not be they can, herp derp derp!"
You fell for it! You totally fell for their ruse! You should be ashamed that you are so easily manipulated.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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