What about this, you have just come across a father beating his child are you going to abuse him(the father) and take away his rights like he is doing to the child... How is it moral you ask, is it moral that two wrongs make a right
Oh, but don't overlook Haylow's simultaneously scary and hilariously illiterate defense of his 'I can beat my child as much as I want' stance:
Taking away parents rights is also abuse you condone society to abuse parents but condem parents for abuseing there children, what you think if someone came to my home and took away my children that act would not cause me harm.
children have as much recourse as i have to society when it comes to being treated unfairly i put my case to society if it dosen't agree with me that its treating me unfairly i have to cop it sweet.
Society works on the same princeables as a family because thats all it is a large family.
If society can sentance one of its mebers to death for wrong doing then parents have the same right to do the same to one of there family members for wrong doing.
As a parent i have a responseablity to raise that child as i see best, to consider other peoples opinions but never to be forced to raise MY children by others opinions because of that i am the FINAL authority, your opinions are of disrespect to me
Wonder how often the police are called out to his house?
How exactly is it wrong to stop somebody from hurting another person?
Your right to swing your arms around wildly ends where the other fellow's nose begins. Nobody has a right to attack another person except in self-defense or defense of an innocent.
How dare those evil liberals take away a man's right to beat his property to death!
Seriously, though, what an asshole. Haylow's punching bags (oops, I mean kids) will grow big enough to beat the shit out of their father some day... and with all this instruction he's given them on how might makes right, they'll do it.
And no one will care.
If someone beats up someone who's smaller than s/he is, I will indeed interfere with the abuser.
Civilized societies usually don't have the right to sentence one of its "mebers" to death. It's a barbaric and antiquated custom that most western countries have abolished.
In the Navy, they taught me the conditions of deadly force. Preventing Grievous Harm is one of the conditions.
But all the conditions are achieved only when lesser means have failed. Taking the kid away may help me in preventing grievous harm without having to drive my car over the father’s skull. Just a thought.
Thinking he has ‘rights’ to abuse another is just fucking stupid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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