Carlin was always acting like a bitter old man and people call that "funny." I saw the act "Religion is b. s." and "abortion," and there was no humor, just sarcastic support for his own wicked ways. The "invisible man in the sky" came down and took on human form in the person of Jesus Christ. Yet, Carlin rejected the faith which has as its symbol "a guy nailed to two pieces of wood." Carlin also thought he could improve the ten commandments. Well, first of all, that guy nailed to two pieces of wood wanted to atone for Carlin's sins so he wouldn't be judged by them on the other side of the grave. And with respect to the ten commandments, Carlin perpertrated the idiocy of juwes by observing the letter of the law and ignoring the spirit of the law. For, if you loved God and neigbhor, you wouldn't break the commandments. For love is the heart of the commandments. God says He sees no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Carlin was a foolish man, and we can only hope he repented before he died.
I like Carlin's Three Commandments better.
Thou shalt be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie.
Thou shalt try really hard not to kill anyone.
Thou shalt keep thy religion to thy self.
Looks like you broke number three there buddy.
That site is for writing REVIEWS, not proselytizing. Also, what's with the screen name? "Gangsta" is really five years ago. Your SN makes me think that you are a snotty, upper-middle-class 16-year-old kid who's trying to sound cool by using outdated cultural references.
I've been a Carlin fan for a long time, and I don't remember him mentioning the "juwes." I really enjoy the religious folks who spew on about how evil someone was, and then say "... we can only hope he repented before he died." That's the part where they realise, "Oh, yeaahhh... Christians are supposed to care about other people's souls! Better throw this one in."
Says the upright Xian with the username "GangstaLawya." I bet this one is real peach, in that hypocritical, murderers are okay as long as they're paying me, chase any ambulance for money, sort of way.
1. I will never understand why none of you can grasp the absurdity of an omnipotent (all-powerful) being--who is supposedly capable of speaking the universe into existence from literally nothing and bringing a mound of dirt to life by breathing on it--being incapable of fixing humanity except by coming to Earth in the form of a human man, in order to sacrifice himself to himself to save us all from himself and a situation that he himself set up in the first place.
2. "Juwes?" Seriously?
there was no humor, just sarcastic support for his own wicked ways.
On the contrary, sarcasm is one of the finest forms of humour.
If you don't think Carlin was funny, I have to assume you are defective, brain-damage in some significant way.
Which of "God's" laws should I ignore the letter and obey the spirit? How about we condone homosexuality because, though the letter of the laws says it's an abomination, the spitit of Christianity is to be inclusive? How about we no worry about blasphemers, because Christians should be big enough to let such things pass knowing that their God is good and forgiving?
You really are brain-damaged, aren't you?
He's with Mark Twain now..and Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor.
Speaking of Pryor, how come nobody had the balls to write a headline "The Nigga's Dead"?
For, if you loved God and neigbhor, you wouldn't break the commandments.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that loving your neighbor goes against the tenth commandment. ;)
Pity the poor Gangsta. It's been scientifically proven that religion shrivels your funny bone to nothing. The more godless you are, the funnier you get! This explains Carlin's brilliance. Seriously, it doesn't get any better than this:
“[T]here’s an invisible man! Living in the sky! Who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of Ten Thing He Does Not Want You To Do. And if you do any of these Ten Things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he’ll send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time!
But he loves you!”
-George Carlin
Just read the rest of this guy's reviews.
Disgusting, in a word.
Suprising, in another. I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of meeting anti-semitic, anti-evangelical conspiracy theorists who believe that Anglicanism and Baptist religions are controlled by the Freemasons, the world economy is run by Zionists, and man predated dinosaurs, which are still in existence today.
"God says He sees no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
Apparently, you Fundies do, though.
"Wah ha ha ha! I'm going to be laughing down on you from heaven while you're burning in agony for all eternity!"
"And with respect to the ten commandments, Carlin perpertrated the idiocy of juwes by observing the letter of the law and ignoring the spirit of the law."
Translation: "Duh-uh, doz wernt spozzed t' be takin litural lee"
"For, if you loved God and neigbhor, you wouldn't break the commandments."
Depends on interpretation. You could love your fellow man, but still steal when desperate, still covet their possessions, and still be disrespectful to them. Love as the overriding rule is not specific enough to line up with the laws as they were originally given, and if it was supposed to be the underlying theme instead...well...what the hell relevance does the Sabbath have to loving either God or man?
@Messianic Servant: Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. Slow down! We all know that you enjoy urination, but you have to understand: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" does not apply as well as it should when sexual fetishes are involved...
Go fix yourself a heaping bowl of shut the fuck up.
The rest of us will listen to the truth of his words and enjoy it. If you don't like what he has to say, feel free to refrain from listening to him.
"Today is Good Friday, observed worldwide by Jesus buffs as the day
on which the popular, bearded cultural figure, sometimes referred to
as The Messiah, was allegedly crucified and according to legend died
for mankind's so-called sins. Today kicks off a `holy' weekend that
culminates on Easter Sunday, when, it is widely believed, this
dead 'savior' who also, by the way, claimed to be the son of a sky-
dwelling, invisible being known as God mysteriously `rose from the
"According to the legend, by volunteering to be killed and actually
going through with it, Jesus saved every person who has ever lived
and every person who ever will live from an eternity of suffering in
a fiery region popularly known as hell, providing so the story goes
that the person to be 'saved' firmly believes this rather fanciful
Yet, Carlin rejected the faith which has as its symbol "a guy nailed to two pieces of wood."
Only a Christian could find something wholesome the image of a Human being judicially executed. Sometimes I'm tempted to have a custom made gold charm made in the shape of an electric chair.
Carlin was, at times, a bit too misanthropic for my taste. But he was still an incredible comedian and a man who blew the roof off many unnecessary taboos. For that, he was a greater man than GangstaLawya will probably ever be.
Carlin was against ORGANISED religion, especially those which keep asking for "money for god's work" and not pay taxes, yet drive around in Rolls Royces whilst preaching poverty.
Check your pastors bank balance in the Cayman Islands and count the number of hookers he's on 1st name terms on!
As it was, the Romans nailed 35000 jews onto 2 pieces of wood. They were all arrested, charged, tried, sentenced and executed by the ROMANS for breaking Roman law. Later to whitewash thier involvement in compiling the bible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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