Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
The allegations that "America's dad" (barf!) is a degenerate, sex-crazed, scumbag serial rapist are not new. Bill Cosby's criminal drug 'em & rape 'em routine has been played out on unsuspecting, naïve women for decades. But the combination of his fame, his liberal pedigree, and, most of all, his protective pigmentation have allowed him to get away with these dastardly deeds, both in the legal system as well as in the media's "court of public opinion".
The real question here is, why now? Why, all of a sudden, has the piranha press been so mercilessly unleashed upon 'Dr. Huxtable'? Has Cosby pissed someone off? Could it be that the very same Zionist warmongers who took away Obongo's Democrat Senate and pulled his controlled approval rating down into the low 40's, are sending Cosby's pal Obongo a 'Sicilian message' along the lines of, "Hey swartsa-buy! Look how easily we just destroyed the most beloved Black man in America." It is also interesting to note that yesterday's front page of the New York Slimes carried a tax evasion story about the previously untouchable and Obongo-connected Al Sharpton. What is going on here?
Cosby adores the homosexual pervert Obongo so much, he even took to the Sunday Morning talk shows to defend him.
Even amidst the "get Cosby" campaign, there remains the proverbial '800-pound gorilla in the living room' that no one seems to want to talk about. (No, not Mr. Moochelle Obongo!) Pardon your humble reporter here for having the impertinence to notice that all of Cosby's known accusers, to date, have been White women. May we ask; is there something more than just lustful "horniness" driving Cosby's sociopathic behavior? Could it be that "America's dad" derives a perverse satisfaction from debasing and degrading "the White man's woman"?
Eldridge Cleaver was a "civil rights activist" and convicted rapist who became an early leader of the Black Panther Party. While in prison, he wrote Soul on Ice (1968). In the book's most controversial passages, Cleaver freely acknowledges committing acts of rape, stating that he initially raped black women in the ghetto "for practice" and then embarked on the serial rape of white women. He described these crimes as politically inspired, motivated by a genuine conviction that the rape of white women was "an insurrectionary act".
Was Cosby's serial raping of naïve younger White women a manifestation of Cleaver's own psychotic desire to degrade 'Whitey'? You know it was! But don't expect Sulzberger to even touch that issue with a 10-foot pole. For you see, it is people like Sulzberger who have brainwashed, agitated and instigated men like Cleaver and Cosby to prey upon the naive White females of America and Europe. Of course, serial rapists and their victims, come in all colors and ethnicities. We understand that. But this particular form of rape clearly has a racial component to it that needs to be understood, especially by young White girls.