Shar #fundie
I don't know about everyone else, but I am getting sick of liberals unable to make an honest argument making up untrue claims to put you in a straight jacket. They accuse you of what they are doing. When they can't argue or refute what you are saying, they are INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST and put an untrue label on you to try to get out of answering the discussion honestly...and to try to diminish you so they don't have to back up anything they say. Then they whine if you call them out on it.
Kanye West was actually shaking last night on Jimmy Kimmel, knowing he may lose his career and people would try to destroy him for being black while thinking for himself.
The new Martin Luther King Jr is Kanye, who has the courage to tell other blacks that they don't have to all think alike.
Another example of intellectual dishonesty...Kimmel asked Kanye if Trump liked blacks and before he had a chance to reply, Kimmel went to a commercial. Today headlines say Kanye was speechless after black query.
I can't imagine how much guts that took for Kanye.
It is not conservatives who are shutting down free speech on campuses or hurting people...and yet, liberals do not denounce it. Rather than do so, they call you a racist or white nationalist. When it happens that a conservative does something wrong, conservative groups denounce it.