I think the main problem with women having the right to vote is the inherent conflict of interest involved with the dependent (the woman) telling the provider (the man) what to do; having the provided for telling the provider what the provider “owes” the provided for. I have said before that chivalry is a duty of men on behalf of women but that chivalry is something that men impose upon other men; it is not something that is defined by the woman herself. The government overall can be viewed as an expression of men’s chivalry; the government is to provide for the overall protection of society, to set the rules under which society operates, and these activities of the government are designed to allow each individual household headed by a man to operate in safety and flourish. Women “hijacking” the operation of government through the right to vote creates the same conflict of interest problem that women “dictating” to men what chivalry is about creates. When the recipient (the woman) “orders” the benefactor (the man) to provide for the recipient (the woman) in a particular way then the purpose of the man’s behavior is no longer controlled by the man; the purpose of the man’s behavior is then to satisfy the demands of the woman. When the link between the man’s chivalry and the man’s purpose as a man is broken the man is no longer motivated or rewarded for fulfilling his role as a man. The man’s honor gets converted into the woman’s manipulation. Men respond to this abusive dynamic by withdrawing from their role and purpose as men.
Ann Barnhardt is quite amazing. The first time I ever heard of her was when she announced she was shutting down her Barnhardt Capital Management commodity brokerage business in response to the MF Global collapse scandal where money from segregated customer accounts was stolen. In this initial exposure, her views on cultural issues were not discussed at all. Now we hear she is a full bore supporter of patriarchy going as far as condemning women’s suffrage! This does indicate that support for patriarchy within a Christian context is moving closer to the mainstream.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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