Keep in mind that God cannot make mistakes and since the Bible is the very Word of God, it cannot contain mistakes. When Bible haters take a hatchet to the Bible, it is usually a matter of their bad interpretation rather than proof of no inspiration. They simply do not read it correctly or seek the correct meaning with a legitimate hermeneutic.
One must also remember that while the whole Bible is the Word of God, it is not all true. For example, when quoting Satan, Eve or friends of Job one must ask; "Is the Bible writer reporting a statement?" Not all statements in the Bible are true: however, all of it is the revealed Word of God and is totally reliable. If atheists don't understand that simple truth then they should not be writing books and characterizing themselves as 'scholars' and 'brights', as opposed to us 'dims'. Today's atheists are the modern Visigoths, who, like the originals who invaded Rome in 410 A.D., are violent, angry barbarians.
Keep in mind that God cannot make mistakes
Bats are birds ? Rabbits chew their cud? Pi = exactly 3?!
and since the Bible is the very Word of God, it cannot contain mistakes
Two contradictory versions of Genesis. Also contradictory accounts of how Judas killed himself. Just that last one alone ensures that the 'Word' of your 'God' is inadmissible as evidence in a court of law.
Your move, Donnie.
it is not all true
Thank you for being so honest, then. For if so much as one part of that 'Word' of your 'God' is lies, therefore all of it is: from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
No Christian should ever get away with calling ANYONE, even head-hunters, barbarians. History shows you hold no high ground, you can't claim scholarship and ignore Christian Atrocities of the past AND ONGOING.
And how many times are you going to claim "Haven't read it right/out of context/bad interpretation" without ever explaining why or what was read wrong? Like your "loads of evidence" there's never a follow up.
Seriously, anon-e-moose, the "bats are not birds" thing is a matter of linguistic semantics.
Bring up the lineage of Jesus instead. That one's a lot harder to chalk up to "a different language has different ideas of how animals can be classified" types of counterarguments.
since the Bible is the very Word of God, it cannot contain mistakes
One of the things that frustrates me the most about fundies is this lie they like to tell that the Bible was authored by God, almost always uttered as a reason to paint all criticism of it as hubris because you're a mere mortal arguing with God when you disagree with it.
The Bible *itself* portrays God in the 3rd person, not the 1st person. (i.e. it's always, "And then The Lord said unto ...", rather than, "And then I said unto ...".). Most of the Bible *itself* claims to be a 3rd person account of events, without mentioning authorship. And in the few cases where a book of the Bible does claim a specific author, the author it claims to be written by is a follower, a mortal human, (i.e Luke, Matthew, etc) rather than by even Jesus, much less God.
In other words, when a person claims the Bible contains falsehoods, they're accusing **the humans** who wrote it of telling falsehoods, not God.
Even a person who believes the Bible is 100% truthful still shouldn't be calling it "The Word Of God", because the Bible *itself* does not claim this. Just the opposite. It's just a ploy to put it above criticism by pretending there were no human hands involved in making it.
the Bible is the very Word of God
Really? Says who?
God cannot make mistakes?
Then explain the ending of the Flood story to me.
I mean, they're at the post-flood survial party, and they set fire to all the clean animals, and god takes a few hits off the smoke and then gets all maudlin. There's one at every party, you know?
Anyway, after the genocide and all the animals destroyed, he realizes that sin is just part of man's nature, and attempting to wipe out wickedness by killing the sinful men was a waste of time...
That's what THE HOLY BOOK says, you know.
It says God admitted he made a mistake...
Not all statements in the Bible are true: however, all of it is the revealed Word of God and is totally reliable.
Now stuff like that is why I sometimes feel like religious people are using all the same words I do, but speaking a completely different language. Is there a part of my brain missing that they have that lets them think things like this make any kind of damn sense?? It's not all true, but it's totally reliable?? Reliable for WHAT??? Reliably unreliable?
And wait...if it's not all true, but the word of God...he's pretty much calling God a liar, isn't he?
@Citizen Justin
I submitted this because of the bit where he expects atheists to accept that the Bible is the Word of God.
Yeah, good point. "Accept the Bible as the word of God, who you don't believe in!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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