[ RE: the Vanity Fair cover featuring Caitlyn Jenner ]
“Those of us that are saying this is not a good thing, those of us that are saying this is bad for Bruce Jenner, bad for his future, we are showing far more compassion to him than the editors of Vanity Fair— They are showing no compassion for him, no genuine care for him because they are celebrating his progress down a pathway that could lead him to kill himself. I would suggest to you that there is absolutely zero compassion, zero love in aiding and abetting someone’s mental illness, a mental illness that could drive them to self-destruction.“
The sad thing is that there is a sliver of truth in Bryan's claims. There are many people, and I used to be one of them, who are utterly incapable of questioning the idea that if you're born with a penis, you're a man, and no they are not open to discussing that, only proclaiming it. These people also believe that there is an evil "mysteriously perfect and just" entity out there who will "justice" people for all eternity if they don't comply with a cookie cutout version of the ideas of male and female.
Think about it. If you genuinely held the above beliefs, wouldn't a sense of compassion compel you to do whatever it takes to save people from the "beautiful Savior"? Fundamentalists don't persecute people who are different because they are bad people. They do it because they are good people who have swallowed a bad idea. And there is nothing more terrifying than good people armed with bad ideas.
Oh yes, it's living her life how she wants to that drives her and people like her to suicide. It can't be the people deriding, condemning, and spewing hateful uninformed nonsense that makes trans-gendered kill themselves. I have more compassion for the trans by not caring what they do than your lot.
And will you stop fucking lying? You hate them. You absolutely despise them. It's painfully obvious that they're different and that just pisses you off to no end.
Out of compassion, Bryan, I'll tell you you need to seek mental health care, NOW. It's for your own good.
Finally! The inevitable frummie comment about Caitlyn Jenner!
And, as always, it's very very stupid!
Mr. Fishface; You are an idiot! If Caitlyn remained "Bruce", she would've likely killed herself. Getting a gender transition would've made death less possible!
What the hell. Bruce/Caitlyn has doen this him/herself. Living a fully-actualized life is much healthier than suppressing a huge part of who you are for your ENTIRE life.
Bryan is, once again, a total moron.
As someone whose best friend is trans, fuck you, Bryan Fischer.
And, for the record, Caitlyn Jenner, despite helping the Kardashians be famous, has done FAR more good than Bryan Fischer ever will.
++"those of us that are saying this is bad for Bruce Jenner, bad for his future, we are showing far more compassion to him than the editors of Vanity Fair"
No. You're not. End of discussion.
++"I would suggest to you that there is absolutely zero compassion, zero love in aiding and abetting someone’s mental illness, a mental illness that could drive them to self-destruction"
Yeah but the law doesn't allow us to throw you in an asylum and treat your delusions properly. Not yet, at least. Maybe someday.
@Nemo I get where you`re coming from, but it alwyas puzzled me how can they still believe in this "mental issue" when the very physical evidence of people being born completely intersexed stares them(and has stared them for as long as our species existed) in their faces... I mean even when you believe the mainstream christian nonsense or do they simply wave it away without any rationale?
@ #1810446
"And there is nothing more terrifying than good people armed with bad ideas."
Reminds me of this:
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
- Steven Weinberg
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
Mental health issues amongst the trans community would be more likely to be correlated to having to live their life in a sex that they don't consider themselves to be, as well as the bullying and belittling they experience at the hand of the transphobes. It wouldn't be from those that support them in realising their true self.
Now, remind me, how many Olympic gold medals has Bryan Fischer won, again? Might it possibly a flat zero, same as most of humanity? And coincidentally one less than Caitlyn Jenner? I figured as much...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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