Bro. Randy #fundie
When I started to answer this post, I started to talk about the reasons why someone would be raped and who is at fault. But, that is not the topic here. To directly answer your question: I believe there is a physical purity and a spiritual purity. The physical purity is gone. It was stolen from her. But her spiritual purity may not be. This is where we have to examine the 'why' behind the rape. If someone is dressed immodestly, is drinking or doing drugs that cause her to loose her inhibitions, or is somewhere she should not be, then she did contribute to the crime. For example: There was a girl in our youth group some time ago. This girl was clearly in rebellion to the Lord. One night, she decided that she wanted to visit her friend, but her parents brought her to church. When she got to church, she quickly left and started walking to her friends house. She was raped less than 300 yards from the church property. Was the rapist wrong? Absolutely. Was she? Did she contribute to the situition? Yes, she did. If she had been obedient to the authorities over her (her parents, the church's rules and workers), she would have stayed at church and been safe.
Spiritual purity is a heart condition. By the way -- Spiritual purity can be lost without ever touching another person or being touched by another person.