Lets, for once, give them an ultimatum
An "ultimatum" for what? Did this pastor break the law of the country he was in? Was he given a trial in accordance with the law of the country in which he commited said crime? If so then he should rightly recieve the punishment that mandated for that crime. Period. Even in the US, and most other democratic countries, we hold that ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Personally, I am fucking sick of theists of any religion that think the fact that they belong to a religion makes them "special" and somehow above the law, especially in the case of christians who's own holy book madates that they are to obey the laws of nations, a fact that this asshat has oh-so conveniently overlooked.
You off that Christian pastor, and we will off 10 of your Imams/Clerics and bomb 25 of your terrorists Mosque, world wide.
So would you be willing for christian to pay the same price when we kill a muslim cleric? Is this pastor even a US citizen? It seems rather pointless to commit a form of retaliation that amounts to nothing less declaration of war with fuck knows how many countries over the life of one of those foreigners you people so vehemently despise.
You camel fukers want a fight, so, lets get it on.
Seems to me that they only want to enforce their own laws, unlike you who wants to send US soldiers to fight and die in your own personal crusade over an imagined slight to your religion.
We'll meet you in Dearborn, Michigan, diaper head.
Why not act like a grown up for once instead of a spoiled child, if that's at all possible? That is what you are doing after all. Why should your ire be directed at the people of Dearborn, did the execute the pastor? No, they didn't, but you are willing to hold them responsible anyway, and then have others kill them while you fap, fap, fap away, and all for a imagined crime that neither they, nor likely anyone they even know ever commited. It's like killing Billy because Tommy pissed in your wheaties, but it's ok because they both have red hair. Do you even have the capacity to realize just how fucking ignorant and ill informed you come off?