Christians are God's children. We are two steps highter than any other living creature and one step higher than Angels. Teaching children that we are the SAME as the creatures we are destined to rule is NOT teaching the Truth. Thats WHY I call godless evolution the biggest Satanic Lie ever told in the history of Human civilization.
@Citizen Justin:
The bible. Lucifer was banished from heaven because he refused god's command to serve Adam as he served him, which is sort of the equivalent of your boss firing you for your refusal to worship amoebas, except that in the second case things exist.
You're two steps above every other category of living creature and one step above angels? You're destined to rule the world as a superior race?
So THAT's what being Christian is about! Silly me, I always assumed it was about humility and helping those less fortunate than oneself.
"Teaching children that we are the SAME as the creatures we are destined to rule is NOT teaching the Truth."
If the likes of Ben West ruled the world, how fast would things go south?
Oh goodness, Ben, it's silly enough when you put HUMANS at the top of the ladder, but when you put Christians there, we can but laugh! Humans had their rightful place as the thinking animal, which is why they had to be afraid of the tear-you-apart-and-eat-you animals, and still have not conquered the sting-you-and-transmit-disease animals. So "destined to rule" is a meaningless egotistical wish. But that happened millennia before Jesus showed up, so no, Christians ain't so damn special. It's just your particular flavor of woo.
"and one step higher than Angels."
So why do Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soryu, Shinji Ikari, Toji Suzuhara, Kaworu Nagisa & Mari Illustrious Makinami need EVAs, then?
And Alto Saotome would like a word with you, just after the fully macronised Klein Klan has just gotten out of her Queadluun Rau battlesuit.
Protoculture. Also, First Impact. NEXT!
You're certainly not two steps higher on the education ladder...
Why would you teach children that we are the SAME as other creatures? We are all different; that's what evolution is all about, silly-nilly. We just share a common ancestor with all other life on Earth. But, isn't that basically what the Bible says also, that life shares a common beginning (although it phrases that as "all life was created by God").
Teaching children that we are the SAME as the creatures we are destined to rule is NOT teaching the Truth.
With rhetoric like this, how much do you wanna bet on coloured people being among the "creatures we are destined to rule"?
@Citizen Justin
You said, "Standard fundie drivel except for 'higher than angels'? Where'd that come from?"
They got it from Psalm 8 which says:
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
5 FOR THOU HAST MADE HIM A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
In Fundieland, "a little higher" means "a little lower."
Why is the theory of evolution more "godless" than any of the other hundreds of scientific discoveries not mentioned in the Babble? Why aren't fundies gnashing their teeth over electricity or atomic theory? The Babble is quite clear that there are only 4 elements; earth, air, firs and water.
This attitude is pathetic and juvenile. It's just an extension of a spoiled child's insistence that he's special by inherent virtue, extended and applied by an entire group to itself. It's like this manchild never grew up. He certainly doesn't challenge my opinion that religion has an awful tendency to retard development.
@ nazani14
The Babble is quite clear that there are only 4 elements; earth, air, firs and water.
Cue The Lumberjack song...
All atheist, of necessity, believe in evolution; but not all those who believe in evolution are atheists. Evolution doesn't say anything about God one way or the other, nor does it claim that humans are the same as other animals.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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