I'm no scholar, but in this instance there is no need. Your argument is so frail that a high school dropout could expose and defeat it. Your error is right up front and easy to spot. "Getting out of the whole Canaanite genocide thing". Why is there any need to get out of it? Did not God make clear, in the garden, what would happen? Sorry, I forgot, Adam, Eve and the whole garden thing is mythology to you. . .
What's telling is that the "Canaanite thing" is not a problem for me or for any Christian that I know. I've never heard a brother complain about it, but I've often heard an unbeliever rage against it. it's a huge problem for unbelievers, and that make sense. Only a criminal has a problem with a just judge.
If you are concerned at the judgement that falls upon the Canaanites, you should be far more concerned about the one that awaits you, but there is a merciful God who offers forgiveness to sinners, if you ever have the need of such a thing.
So, "thou shalt not kill" is inválid because your brothers don't complain and something about Adam and Eve. So, no problem if, for example, Russia exterminates you and your family? And rapes your Virgin daughters?
I hardly call "those people live in the land I've chosen for you; kill them all, but save the girls as sex-slaves", as the words of a just judge.
It's pretty clear that you're a high school drop-out.
What's telling is that the "Canaanite thing" is not a problem for me or for any Christian that I know. I've never heard a brother complain about it,
From Dictionary.com
1. the practice of approaching problems or issues as matters that are best dealt with by consensus of a group rather than by individuals acting independently; conformity.
2. the lack of individual creativity, or of a sense of personal responsibility, that is sometimes characteristic of group interaction.
If Christians were troubled a bit more by the genocide thing, it would be easier to take them seriously as thinking, feeling human beings. But, as you observe, it's "not a problem for me or for any Christian that I know."
"I've often heard an unbeliever rage against it."
Yeah, well, genocide tends to rub people the wrong way. Normal, unindoctrinated, people, that is.
"here is a merciful God who offers forgiveness to sinners"
Just not to the Canaanites, or the Midianites, or the Amalekites, or any of the many, many others your 'merciful god" slaughtered.
Only a criminal has a problem with a just judge.
A just judge wouldn't order genocide, nor would he give the young girls to his men as trophies and slaves.
No, "judge" is the wrong word. "Overseer" would be a better one, or maybe "Slaver." The demiurge you describe sees humans as slaves and livestock to be bred and herded at best, and vermin to be exterminated at worst. That you insist on describing this as justice showcases your utter lack of humanity and your callous personality.
So, the OP does not have a problem with genocide, but will throw a fit if, for example, he sees two men kissing. Great morality, there. /sarcasm
I am a Christian and I don't have a problem seeing and admitting to the genocide in the old Testament. Contrary to what the OP says, I actually know Christians who are uncomfortable with it. Why do you think there are a lot of Christians who have to come up with excuses for it? Some of them don't even like to focus on the fact it is there. Personally, I think it was less about God wanting them to kill everybody and more about them wanting the land. Back then, I think that the best way to take a land and keep it was to kill anyone who could fight for the land. Nowadays, people are less barbaric and it is generally understood that you are not allowed to kill people for their land.
This does not change the fact that the Israelite in the bible committed genocide. The fact that something was the norm at the time it was carried out does not change the fact that what was done is a terrible thing to do.
What's telling is that the "Canaanite thing" is not a problem for me or for any Christian that I know.
I think that's more a factor of the sort of people you choose to hang around than anything to do with members of your religion in general.
@ NeoMatrix
You do realize you're making yourself look like a caricature? You've been growing steadily more hateful and over the top in some sort of demented rage against Christians and Muslims. You're sterotyping and generalizations are so fucking blatant and ignorant that I'm not whether to laugh or cringe.
You've barrled straight into fundie territory, and seem determined to dig yourself as a hole as you possibly can. You do realize you sound exactly like the fuckwits we mock on here except from the nonreligious side?
Citation Fucking Needed that all Christians are rapists and murderers.
Citation Fucking Needed that every single Christian wants to commit genocide.
Only a criminal has a problem with a just judge.
Well, the judge in this situation is interminably corrupt, so what does that make me?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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