[I don't like boards where] Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times.
"[I don't like boards where] Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood..."
You mean like the insanely wild tales you folks make up regarding evolution, mixing in cosmology, astronomy, abiogenesis, and other unrelated sciences, and getting every last bit of ALL of them wrong at once?
"...and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know...."
Such as the despicable things you people write about atheists, homosexuals, rape victims, and women who wear pants?
"...appear to be their favorite pass-times."
Mayday! Mayday! Irony levels at critical and rising!
~David D.G.
Not even remotely fundie in this isolated context. No claims of self-righetousness, no mention of God or "True Christian Doctrine," or threats of damnation for the unbelievers.
In this isolated context, Mrs. Lace's statement is one that I, myself, might have made about a few of the more idiotic boards on the 'Net.
(Although to be truthful, when read in it's full context, it is riotously fundie....)
Hey, whatever. I like talking shit about idiots. If admitting that makes me an asshole, so be it. But at least I don't believe in ridiculous, unprovable bullshit.
... spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times.
I know exactly what Mrs. Lace means. Here's an example:
"... there is a very large group which claims to be Christian, and they have murdered millions in the name of Christ. However they are not Christians. In fact, it was the true believers they murder. Who, you ask? The Roman Catholic Church."
It's by some guy who calls himself "Bro. Randy", who appears to hate everyone but Baptists (and doesn't like many of them, either).
The 'people we don't know' reveal in their own words, a mindset that we know very well, Mrs Lace. That's the real target.
It's unfortunate that ad-hominem attacks occur [both sides are guilty].
Some of the comments featured here are clearly outrageous troll vomit, but there are many circumstances where I fervently wish some of the people who suffer under delusions, could just wake up.
This is an exercise in applied psychology, I suppose....
This is why the above statement works as "fundy". The "I'm right and everyone else is a disgusting pervert" retort is often used by fundies to belittle their opponents. There is in my opinion only one proper use for the ad hominem and that is after thoroughly debunking the arguments of your opponent; at the point where they're just covering their ears and repeating their arguments like mind-numbed drones.
Fundies ALWAYS start with an ad hom (i.e.: baby eating atheists, child raping homosexuals, 'stan' worshipping evolutionists, etc.). Typically they will treat any attempt at self-defense as an admission of guilt, OR they'll just ignore facts like the ass-munchers they are. Happens all the time at christianforums.com (Voeglin, Gipper, ChristianCenturion, Lovestruth...). That's why I like fstdt, one of the most effective ways of getting an arrogent, self-important fundy retard's goat is to let him know that somewhere, somehow people are laughing at him.
This is why the above statement works as "fundy". The "I'm right and everyone else is a disgusting pervert" retort is often used by fundies to belittle their opponents. There is in my opinion only one proper use for the ad hominem and that is after thoroughly debunking the arguments of your opponent; at the point where they're just covering their ears and repeating their arguments like mind-numbed drones.
Fundies ALWAYS start with an ad hom (i.e.: baby eating atheists, child raping homosexuals, 'stan' worshipping evolutionists, etc.). Typically they will treat any attempt at self-defense as an admission of guilt, OR they'll just ignore facts like the ass-munchers they are. Happens all the time at christianforums.com (Voeglin, Gipper, ChristianCenturion, Lovestruth...). That's why I like fstdt, one of the most effective ways of getting an arrogent, self-important fundy retard's goat is to let him know that somewhere, somehow people are laughing at him.
Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood [...] On the contrary, I understand Christianity better and better by the day. Unlike fundies.
[...] and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know [...] You mean like how you Christians think that whoever doesn't worship the same god as you is going to Hell? Or isn't eternal damnation "disgusting" in your book?
Oh, and none of us want bro. Randy to rape you. It's just that he seems more and more likely to do so. There's a difference.
It's a shame you found it necessary to alter the quote to suit your means. I suppose Mrs. Lace should have included quote altering with fabricating scenerios. tsk, tsk, tsk. Remember...it's the truth that will set you free.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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