(sci·ence (sî'əns) - The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena by way of the Scienific Method (SM).
Theory of Evolution = Science, testable via SM
Theory of a higher power = Not Science, Not testable via SM
In the science classroom, we should be teaching science. There should be a separate class for religious studies.)
Thats easy to say that it's testable by SM, but you don't back up your statement with and proof. Evolution IS a religion. There should be no creation or evolution in the classrooms. Just plain science!
Evolution does not posit a god, nor does it espouse a belief about morality, the afterlife, the nature of the soul, the way people should live, or any of the other trappings of religion. Ergo, evolution is not a religion. Idiot.
I actually agree... students should avoid creating universes ex nihilo, or breeding amongst themselves then seeing which of their offspring fares the best. I mean, that stuff's fine and dandy to do in the weekends but listen to the course material while in class!
These people seem to turn around any argument whether it is true or makes sense or not.
"Only science should be taught in the science classroom. Creationism isn't science. Evolution is and we can show it."
"No! Only science should be taught in the science classroom. Evolution isn't science. Creationism is and we can show it."
"Oh yeah? How?"
"Huh? How what?"
"How can you show it?"
"What..?! Oh! Uh.. um.. we'll figure something out... How were you going to show it? Any tips?"
"So, you can't show it."
"No, you can't show it!"
"The theory of evolution is testable by the scientific method, crea..."
"No! It's creationism which is testable by the scientific method."
"How? It simply isn't."
"Well, neither is evolution!"
"Look, the scientific..."
"I'm not listening!"
Even IF the ToE was areligion, there would be mountains more evidence for it than there is for your silly little outdated book. Since it DEFINATELY ISN'T a religion, what do you know, there is STILL mountains more evidence. How can you be so stupid and yet are still able to turn on your computer?
James is confusing "testable" with "tested". There are many missing pieces in any science. We know very little about gravity, for example. "Testable" means capable of being tested, whether the testing has been done or not.
Creationism is not just untested; it's untestable . It's like Antony Flew's invisible, intangible gardener: every time a test for the gardener's existence fails, more and more ad hoc, unverified explanations are added. God brought the penguins and koalas to Noah by magic, the dinosaurs on the ark were babies, the speed of light must have changed, etc. No creationist has ever stated what information they would need to convince them they're wrong.
Evolution, on the other hand, can be proved wrong by a number of things, such as discovery of life forms with no genetic relationship to anything else or undisturbed rocks with fossils out of order. None of these have been discovered yet.
ToE is no religion.
Religion ask to believe without seeing. Science ask to see without letting your beliefs alter what you see.
you don't have to believe in it and never to question it.
For you to understand I will still talk about religion: Science is a little like the Buddha. Science says "doubt everything, especially me"
SANE LEVEL HEADED PERSON: Evolution is not religion.
SLHP: No, because it can be tested by the scientific method.
JAMES: No! It CAAAAN'T!!!! *commence foot stomping and crying*
SLHP: But it has been, repeatedly.
JAMES: Nuh-uh!!! *Plugs fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA *trips over own stupidity* *dies*
SLHP: *laughs*
I still don't see how discrediting Evolution as a religion, strengthens your position? After all, you follow a religion, too and if Evolution is invalid because it is a religion, then your's is, too!
There should be no creation or evolution in the classrooms. Just plain science!
As my first bio professor put it (as part of his "if you object to science on religious grounds, GTFO speech):
Evolution is the central organizing principle in contemporary biology. Without it, nothing makes any sense at all .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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