#54423 #conspiracy curezone.com
Subject: Re: Claim: Haeckel's Frauds Proved Darwin's Theory, and a New Godless Philosophy was Born That Would Rapidly Carry Nazism To Stagering Heights.
Haeckel was certainly a complete fraud, but you need to look at the larger picture. Naziism, like communism or jewish Zionism, is a "master race" doctrine. It's all the same crap, just change the flags and emblems, and the underlying doctrine is identical. Zionist jews don't want their dirty little secrets exposed, especially to gentiles, but one such secret was the Transfer Agreement between Nazi Germany and the world Zionists. The mess we have today in occupied Palestine ("Israhell") is a direct result of jewry's secret back-door deals with their supposed "adversaries." Did you know that Mussolini had a training camp for jewish terrorists (Irgun) on Italian soil, Mr. McCabe? Or that only two flags could legally be flown in Germany, after Hitler rose to power? (The swastika, and the Zionist flag.) Read Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, by Zionist author Bryan Rigg, to start seeing how much of supposed history is "agreed upon lies." And then take a look at the Dept. of Agriculture building in Washington, D.C., which is in plain sight of world jewry's "holocaust" museum. You will see swastikas adorning the frieze. The big picture is not just about Haeckel, or Darwin's nonsense; it's about who will rule the world, God's Christian old world order, or sinful (Zionist) man's "new world order."