I think that Donald Trump probably wants to make America better
Question: Did Ronnie Raygun 'Make America Better'...?
Because if the answer is the only one possible, then America never was great in the first place, and Donald Fart is simply the ultimate con man voted in by illiterate retards:
And as proven here, those within the Trumptard circlejerk are illiterate.
And proof, as demonstrated here: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=125022&Page=2#2026389 that they're all trolls. No Exceptions.
Otherwise, why so insecure about what's said about your 'Emprah', oh Wiggy Wankerboys, if he's as perfect as you subjectively think he is?! Because if he was, then everything would be perfect: and all satirists wouldn't be able to find one thing wrong about him. Least of all, say... "Private Eye" magazine. "Saturday Night Live"/"The Young Turks", "Have I Got News For You"/"Mock The Week". And sites such as The Onion. FSTDT. B3ta.com.
...or do Trumptards hate satire. Or criticism of their 'Messiah' & his followers who think he can do no wrong? Why so membrane-skinned: like your 'God-Emperor'...?!
So many like you previously had an 'Emprah': Ronnie Raygun. Question: was Barack Obama your president? A president you worshipped, and regarded his every word to be law? Yes or No. Because if your answer is the only one possible...!
Moral: Either Donald Fart accepts that the criticism levelled at him - and therefore all his Trumptards - is more than justified, and he agrees to change completely, becoming the diametric opposite to what he is: and all his arselickers agree to do the same, or you're proven trolls.
Otherwise, be secure that you've got exactly what you want: a dictator. And you'd simply ignore any & all criticism of him: and therefore you. The perfect way of doing that is to ignore satirical sites, such as FSTDT here, and carry on in your own 'Bubble'. Where everything is exactly as you would wish it to be.
Because why would you need to be in any place where anyone wasn't exactly like you: in word, action & thought: Unless you subconsciously know that we're right: and Donald Fart is the worst president the US has ever had.
If America was as 'Great' as you claim it's always been, why do you need a Donald Fart? Because if the likes of Dumbya or Ronnie Raygun - who had far higher approval ratings in the first months of their administration, like all other previous presidents: No Exceptions - couldn't 'Make America Great Again', then anything you say other than admitting we're right is trolling.
Why the need for your 'Opinions' here, if you've already 'won': and Donald Fart is perfect, and therefore impossible to criticise in any way...?!
I'm starting to think that THX is the Conservatroll/'Nameless Coward', who's reinfected FSTDT. He knows the only possible way he can prove us wrong: leave FSTDT and never return.
Because you wouldn't want to prove my theory correct - also about how insecure you are about the criticism levelled at your 'Emprah', therefore your need to troll here - would you...?!
I gotta ask if THX 1138 is really Alex85
...and therefore Conservatroll/'Nameless Coward'/Rightist troll of many names but no balls to actually register at least one of those screenames.
Like I say, he knows the only possible way he can prove my theory about him wrong: in more ways than one.
I wonder if THX uses one of those two previous IPs, shy...?!