Bro. Randy #fundie
While it is true that in the eyes of God a sexual sin is no different than any other sin, it is a transgression of the law of God. However, sexual sins also have a unique aspect to them. Sexual sins can create a unique set of penalties that remain with you for the rest of your life. Unlike stealing, for example, the memories of a sexual sin will taint your relationship with your spouse. Sexual sins can also eliminate your qualification for certain aspects of the ministry. These sins destroy homes and lives. Since you can never completely recover from a sexual sin, what can you do if you have already committed the sin?
Acknowledge your sin to God. Confess it. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The idea of confession throughout the Word of God is two-part. Confession involves an agreement with God that what you have done (the sin) is wrong. After all, if you haven’t done anything wrong, why do you need forgiveness? Second, confession involves repentance. While we often think of repentance as the guilt associated with sin or as doing something to make up for the sin like a type of punishment, neither is true. Repentance is actually a turning away from the path — literally, to think differently. So, when you confess your sins to God, you agree with Him that they are wrong and you turn from the sins.
You should also find a prayer and accountability partner. Although you do not need to reveal all of the sordid details, you need to find a prayer partner and let him in on the secret. This may be a parent or your youth pastor, but it should be someone you know would not gossip about you. James 5:16 gives us the example here: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” By taking your problem to someone else, you now have someone else who is praying for you, as well as someone who can keep you accountable.
You also need to commit your future dating relationship to the Lord. After you have confessed your sins to God, and repented of them, you need to seek the will of God in your dating relationship. It is likely that you simply are not ready to begin dating. As we have discussed earlier, dating is simply a process for confirming whom the Lord has chosen for you as a spouse. You need to submit yourself to God’s will in this matter. This may mean that you do not date for several years. You should even consider breaking all relationships with anyone of the opposite sex. This way, you can simply avoid any temptation to sin by not being around anyone who can cause you to sin. Finally, you need to take some steps to prevent this mistake from happening again. After you have confessed your sins, you need to cleanse your thought life.