bad-ju-ju #sexist

So many women complaining that the men they’re casually fucking (yet seem to have developed feelings for) don’t care about them.
I’m sure that must be a horrible situation to be in.
But, you know what? Fuck that.
Do you know how badly I wish anyone would fuck me like that? Do you have any idea how much I would appreciate anyone who did? God when I first found myself single I wanted to just fuck so bad. And here I am two years later (still haven’t so much as gotten laid), and I’m fucking dying of loneliness. I can’t even imagine how goddamn happy I would be to upgrade a casual arrangement to an actual relationship. And yet no woman will have me for either. Instead the all want to go off and casually fuck other people, who they know won’t give a shit about them, and then cry that their lover doesn’t have feelings for them later. And I’m supposed to be the one who listens to your problems and gives a shit? Christ I wish someone would give enough of a nothing to use me for sex. I’m just as alone as you are, except I can’t even get laid to save my fucking life. I must be the ugliest goddamn son of a bitch on the planet.
It’s not that I feel owed anything from any woman. Although I don’t think the same occassional expression of affection/attraction (even if not “love”) that seems so fucking fundemental and inherent to the human experience but which at the same time is entirely alien to mine, is asking a whole lot from life and the universe.
It’s just that it’s incredibly frustrating to hear so many women complaining so much (that they’re getting sex but not love), when they’re getting so much more than I am (nothing at all, from anyone), and when I know I would give them so much more (sex and love), if they only for one goddamn mother fucking second entertain me as so much as a possibility.
And another thing—
It seems like every girl who meets and/or gets to know me, who finds out how long it’s been since I’ve had sex is outright astonished that I can’t get laid. “What? Why not?” And yet none of them will ever fuck me. It seems like every girl I know thinks I’m a attractive and/or good enough a person that someone should be at least fucking me— but NO girl EVER thinks I’m attractive and/or good enough a person that she actually wants to be the one who’s fucking me. And goddamnit that fucking pisses me off!
If you dont want to fuck me yourself, then please don’t act so goddamn mother fucking suprised when you find out that no one else wants to either.
I’m sorry, I guess I am just a fucking douchebag.



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