However, the most amazing thing is how this rant is an epythome to imprecision and ignorance. To begin with, he treats Africa as if the whole continent, from Morrocco to South Africa and passing through Kenya, Nigeria or Angola were all the same. And by the way, he´s unable to give the coordinates of a country that, being the same size as Rhode Island, he´s obviously unable to locate in the map. And now the funny thing, BECAUSE IT´S NOT A SMALL COUNTRY. It´s a region from another country, Sudan.
Second, he´s unable to explain the underlying conflict(real life is a tribal fight between one tribe partisan to join the Sudanese government of the north and another one, who is partisan either to remain independent or join Chad, the big majority muslims, by the way). After a bunch of generalisations(finantial aid is not stolen, it´s just difficult to secure and distribute, and there is rape and so on LIKE IN ALL CONFLICTS IN THE WORLD). When people try to preach the Gospel, they are shot, not because of that, but because they aid the wrong guys or are the wrong guys, for that matter(in any case, they are a minority). This is war, man, no more no less than any other. To sum up, what this guy has concoted is a very low budget film, from the fragmentary info he has and a couple of prejudices of his own, where the stereotypical Arab men dressing "a la Al-Qaeda" terrorise a group of stereotypical black subSaharian Africans, dancing God knows what a ridicule dance, dressing, the little they do, like the typical Mogambo movie, with a horn in their noses and eating missionary soup, while others listen to another Clark Gable missionary, very neat him. Pathetic.