Yes, I would let one style my hair & be my pal!
I have NOTHING against furries & I think all the hate hurled at them is ridiculous! I you don't like it, so what? Mind your own beeswax! Some dig Animanga! Some dig Country music! Some dig bowling! Some dig Monty Python! Some might even enjoy "The Gong Show" & "Pink Lady & Jeff"!
So, someone's a Furry...BIG WHOOP DE DO!!!
Even if it involves a sex fetish, SO WHAT?! You're not forced to WATCH are you?
I don't care what people do, even if it's revolting, like Scat, as long as it's 100% consentual, they're fine.
So if a person like human-animal weirdness in either a sexual or nonsexual fashion, WHO CARES?!!!
The only people who should be hated and badmouthed are Bigots, Sadists, Sociopaths, Murderers, Rapists, Robbers, Bullies, Con Artists, Corrupt Politicians or CEOs, Dictators, Terrorists, Abusers...slimy people that are hateful & hurt others, evil people!
I know it's human nature to hate something & have an "us vs. them" mentality....but why don't they ever focus on folks & things that deserve it? Why do they focus on subcultures, generes, ethicities, creeds, colors, genders, sexual orientations, etc?