As for war....... The killing that occurs in war is different than the murder killing mentioned in Exodus 20:13. War killing is done as self-defense and in defense of a country. The Lord Himself upholds this kind of defense. He sent Israel into battle many times. He told Israel to kill all within the land of Canaan before moving into that Promised Land.
Right, they went into that nation and slaughtered every man, woman, and child in self-defense -- well, except for the virginal women that they kept to rape in self-defense. Boy, this self-defense justification has some pretty wide latitude in the Bible, doesn't it?
~David D.G.
And the Lord did say unto the prophet Lombardi: "Yea, for it is known unto all that the best offense is a good defense."
And the prophet Lombardi did grin, yet did not remove his hat from upon his head. And he did return with this prophecy unto the fields of Lambeau whereupon he did smite the enemies of the Lord most righteously.
And the people did place cheese upon their heads and there was much rejoicing.
Cosell 3:16
"As for war....... The killing that occurs in war is different than the murder killing mentioned in Exodus 20:13."
It's not much different to the one's being killed.
The translation of the Hebrew into either the word "murder" or "kill" is much debated. If it actually means "kill," there is nothing in Exodus to suggest that "God" didn't mean ALL killing.
"War killing is done as self-defense and in defense of a country."
Self-defense and/or defense of one's country are not mentioned in Exodus. Quit making stuff up to get yourself off the hook.
"The Lord Himself upholds this kind of defense."
No, the "Lord" ignored his own rules time and time again, but he never backed down from his commandments.
"He sent Israel into battle many times. He told Israel to kill all within the land of Canaan before moving into that Promised Land."
Which, with just a wee bit of thought, you might recognize as being far beyond self-defense. Children, babies, the elderly and infirm would not have posed any kind of threat. Face it, Mrs. Dummy, either the Bible is full of horrid, ancient fairy tales, or your God is a genocidal asshole.
He told Israel to kill all within the land of Canaan before moving into that Promised Land
Actually, what the Bible says He did was give Israel land that was already occupied by someone else, then told them to do an "ethnic cleansing" and take the land for themselves. It wasn't self-defense, and there is no way anyone with any kind of moral sense can justify it. And fundies actually try to hold up the Bible to the rest of us as a source of ethics ...
Some good points, but still, when Crusaders saked the Christiand city of Constantinople in the fourth crusade, they were hardly defending their countries.
For those that can't be assed checking. Exodus 20 is the edited version of the Ten Commandments that were changed centuries later, and that is the "Thou shalt not kill" Commandment.
So basically she's trying to say murder is bad, but mass murder for political gain is good!
Standard fundy doublespeak.
"He told Israel to kill all within the land of Canaan before moving into that Promised Land"
Yep. Killing people in order to take their land is self-defense. So is lying about a supposed enemy's possession of "weapons of mass destruction." If our leader says it's OK, it's OK.
Makes sense in light of the fact that so many fundifucktards seem to equate Bush and Gawd.
I must have missed the new edition of the 10 commandments which now includes "Thou shall not kill except..."
Every legal system in the history of mankind does this.
First of all, you parse down the words by their clear intent. "Thou/shalt/not/kill" (Except that the Hebrew word often translated as "kill" translates also to "murder")
So you end up with "Thou/shalt/not/kill-murder"
Thou's relatively unambigous - you might get into an esoteric argument of whether "Thou" refers to the Hebrews, Moses, the Levites, all the other non-Jews that were traveling on the Exodus, the Canaanites, or all mankind for all time, but that is the subject of another law review thesis.
"Shalt not" - pretty standard wording of prohibition. Since we're talking Hebrew here, there might be some grammatical/syntax games one might play, but not very convincing to a jurist.
"Murder-kill" - since this word is ambiguous, we should look toward the intent of the drafter (In this case, the Almighty, for the sake of argument). Kill is a broad word; Murder means "To kill under unjustified circumstances (malice)"
Now, anyone who's read the Bible, pre and post Exodus, knows that God is no stranger to killing. He ordered his Israelite nation to kill people just for practicing impure rituals to false gods. He ordered the killing of people for breaking the Sabbath or wearing the wrong blend of fabrics. If God had meant for his people not to kill, then he certainly would not have commanded them to kill on numerous occasions or seeming whims.
Murder seems like your best bet. "Thou shalt not kill-murder" is to be construed as "Thou shalt not kill... unless he/she had it comin', or unless I tell you to."
Sorry, been researching law all day.
God love's you all... remember that as he kills you, not murdering you mind you, but just killing you. Why is God killing you? Well that's because you grew up in a city that God decided is now the Israelite 'Promised Land'. Stupid infidel, oh look you're being killed (but not murdered)... Your sister is being taken as a slave, your mum killed (not murdered) and your dad too! How holy and just. Ah, I just love a good holy just slaughter. Remember he loves you.
"Thou shall not kill" unless the GOP tells you too? Right, funny how these fundies believe in a literal intepretation of the parts of the Bible that they agree with, but not the ones that they don't agree with!
Since Mrs Debbie is with Teens for Christ she doubtless knows that Jesus called on followers to Love their enemies. You don't have to distinguish between kill and murder, self defense and aggression when the commandment is to love. You just have to have enough brains cells to know that you cannot love with guns and bombs.
Maybe God had second thoughts between Moses and Jesus and decided that mass murder really wasn't that good of an idea. And so left a commandment with no loopholes. Love your enemy. Christians who really take their Bible seriously have a hard time supporting any kind of violence. Funny how they claim to believe the Bible literally until you come to a scripture which negates war or the accumulation of wealth and then they only hope you know nothing about their book.
Sex, S=reproductive behavior
e=75 years in a yogurt like decaying body.
x=when life stops.
Sex [reproduction]of this intent includes a death outcome; make that INTENT!
Reproduction is a sin because death is part of the intent, from formula above. Ask Mom?. We r fct.
OK Everybody... All Together Now:
Mrs (sic) Debbie took an Ax,
Gave her mother 40 Whacks.
When she saw what she had Done,
She gave her father 41...
Isn't Debs the best: so sweet, cuddly and an exemplary "mom" role model.
If this woman has children, I hope someone reports her to the appropriate authorities to get them removed.
The best form of defense is attack - Sun Tsu.
The best form of attack is suprise attack - Von Clauswitz.
Therefore the best form of self-defense is to smash the fucker from behind, in the dark, before they are even aware of your existence - rubber chicken.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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