I'm still shaking my head over the fact that gays are allowed to adopt children. Is there no longer a difference between right and wrong?
Yes, there is. For example, denying a child a loving home because you disagree with the structure is wrong, for example.
It is possible that a gay couple might solve their problem of loneliness by adopting a child, but apparently no one has taken into consideration how these children feel.
No, actually, we do. We give a child a home to have a family, sure, but also to give a child a warm, loving, supportive environment. But if you think a kid wouldn't want that, well...
Predictably, kids who have gay parents are mocked and laughed at.
And why is that, dear Marie? Could it be parents like you ranting and raving about how those god awful faggots are ruining that child, how Heather with two mommies is hellbound with her parents? no, of course not. Here's the thing, too, sunshine. If a kid wants to pick on another kid, they'll find a reason. Two Dads, no Dads, red hair, blond hair, cross eyed, nearsighted, farsighted...you name it. So to deny a kid loving parents because kids MIGHT pick on him or her is ridiculous, particularly when it's people like you that are the root of such behavior.
No social engineering can eliminate the trauma of a child who suffers needlessly. Where is the outrage?
Like the outrage of a child growing up denied anything resembling a childhood, because everything fun is deemed demonic, evil, or whatever? And suffering needlessly...a child never knowing a family that loves him or her isn't needless suffering?
In undertaking to write this article, I'm not concerned about being labeled a "homophobe."
Good, because it's a good starting point in describing you.
It's merely invective used to try to stifle the truth.
Oh fuck you. You try and marginalize a group of people, and when you get hit with the backlash, you throw your hand in the air, and start screaming persecution. Kindly fuck yourself with a cactus.
What I'm concerned about is that kids are reading books that explain why Heather has two mommies.
Why? Oh, I get it...you WANT the kids to tease other kids who have two mommies, or two daddies...otherwise your argument falls to shit. Listen, you can jump and cower behind your fear mongering "For the children" battle cry, but we both know what it's really about. Wear your ovaries on the outside for a while, man up, and admit it.