“If the Rapture is immenient”
Immenient? WTF is Immenient?
"than it could be tonight - right?”
No. The Rapture has been overdue for about 2000 years. I don’t think it could be tonight. The odds are worse, in fact. One night out of 730,000+.
"I look for His soon coming for His church to be sooner then you think”
Are you really that helpless to get an idea across or did KJV English screw you up that badly?
But i will admit. If he comes back AT ALL, that’s sooner than I think.
"like any day now He can come"
Man, THIS post didn’t age well, did it?
“that's what immeniency means isn't it...?"
Who the fuck knows?
“If it's 'silly' and childish so be it.”
My mind is blown by the fact that you got the right ’it’s,’ here.
“I'm so glad to have this joy and enthusisam”
Sounds more like Dr. Seuss, now? I will not feel en-thu-ziss-sam. I just will not, Sam-I-Am.
"for His soon return. What a Blessed Hope we have.”
How’s that hope doing, now?
You guys look like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.