"Athiests say there is no god."
Some atheists say there is no god. The rest of us say we see no evidence for any gods. That doesn't mean there isn't or can't be one/many, just that it doesn't appear to be the case.
"So why weren't the atheists in Haiti helping that country's poor before this earthquake? they knew the people there were poor. And they know there is no god to help them. So why did the atheists allow those people to live in poverty when they could have helped them?"
I'd guess there were atheists there helping. Possibly even some secular/atheist based charities of various sorts.
What's your point and what does this have to do with the existence of your god?
"If there is no god, then you can't blame him."
True enough.
"If there is no god then why do atheist blame god for this and ask why he didn't help?"
Atheists don't blame any gods. We question why your god, whom you continually bleat on about and insist exists, would not do something.
"I ask the atheists. Why didn't you help those poor people so they didn't have to live in poverty."
Because I haven't got the resources to help every person, everywhere in the entire world, who needs it. I do what I can, where and when I can instead.
Why weren't you there doing something? Your god instructed you to care for the poor, so what was so important that kept you from doing your duty?
"Don't hide behind god. there is none."
No need to remind me.
"Don't hide behind christians as they are demented and believe in gods and fairies."
And? They can still write a check or board a plane, can't they?
"Why didn't the athiests have this poor country on their list of things to fix."
We're too busy trying to fix all of the other countries that your religion has royally fucked. Haiti had to wait its turn.
"Do the atheists blame God so as to misplace the blame that is really their own. There is no God. there is only man. Man could have fixed the problem and man did not."
You seem to enjoy shifting the burden of responsibility from yourself to others. I assume you live in the U.S., make more in a year than most Haitians will ever see in their lives and live in a house that would be extravagant and palatial to the average Haitian.
Sell your shit, donate the money and then get on the next plane to Haiti and stay there for the next decade helping to rebuild. Your god commanded it of you.
"Humans suck, don't they?"
No. Human character can suck at times. And nature can sure be a bitch. Humans in general don't suck though. I'm quite fond of our species, actually.
"If there is no god we have only ourselves to blame."
Now you've figured it out! Good job!
"So quit blaming the God you do say does not exist. Blame yourselfs atheists."
Why the hell would I blame your god? He doesn't, as you've pointed out, exist. I may as well blame the Easter Bunny.