Patrick Scrivener #fundie

When Queen Victoria went to meet her Maker in 1901, the queen acknowledged 9 children, but in reality she had 10. Additionally, she acknowledged 40 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, but in reality she had many, many more.

The Apostle Paul–who established true Christianity at Rome–had women deacons and helpers. Under Judaism, women had very few rights, and the Roman Empire granted no rights to women. During the pagan Roman persecutions of Christianity, female martyrs were more numerous than males:

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Joshua, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the congregations of the nations. Likewise greet the congregation that meet in their house (Romans 16:3-5).

As Saint Paul's missionary career was coming to an end, the Holy Spirit revealed to him that time would not end when the great Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Subsequently, being not ignorant of Satan's devices, he began to prepare the Christians for the enemies they would confront before the real end of the world. The Apostle especially warned them about the usurped role of women:

But I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence (I Timothy 2:12).

Here is the advice that Saint Paul gave to the future young Christian women:

I will, therefore, that the younger women should marry, bear children, be mistresses of families, give no occasion to the adversary to speak evil (I Timothy 5:14).

Looking down the long corridors of time, Saint Paul saw the rise of the British Empire and the reign of female sovereigns like Bloody Mary Tudor, Shake-speare, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II.

It was King Henry's lack of a male heir that launched the blessed Reformation in England because he knew that a female sovereign was an abomination.

The 18-year-old Victoria was crowned queen in Westminster Abbey on June 28, 1837.

She reigned until her death in 1901.

A woman riding the beast or political system was the very vision of the nightmarish end times given in the Book of Revelation (Revelation Ch. 17).

There is no English word for a female sovereign. The word queen meant the wife of a king. The young queen, with no prior political experience whatsoever, was in over her head. She relied completely on the "advise" of her prime minister, Lord Melbourne.

Queen Victoria was like potter's clay in the hands of the shrewd Lord Melbourne.

The main foreign policy objective of Lord Melbourne was to avenge the defeat at the Battle of New Orleans and prevent the United States of Israel from expanding from sea to shining sea.



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