Although a bit out of date by now (It was written in the 80s), Michaelsen's Like Lambs To The Slaughter provides signposts for occult influences on children that every parent should be aware of. Contrary to some of the other reviews on this page, what Michaelsen points out is both true and alarming. One may call it paranoid to consider cartoons such as the Smurfs occultic in content, but when the Smurfs feature Gargamel standing in the middle of a pentagram calling down a curse in the name of Beelzebub-- others would call it discerning. If you can get this book, get it. Though out of date, it will be helpful to you as you raise your children. I hope Michaelsen updates her work soon.
Psst... Gargamel is a VILLAIN. He's not supposed to be a role model.
One would think these idiots would be more upset over Papa Smurf, who is portrayed as a wise and talented wizard.
Most people have moved away from the satanic panic, yet here we have people trying to revive it.
Also Gargamal was the villain. That's important it's not like these rituals were represented as good things.
> but when the Smurfs feature Gargamel standing in the middle of a pentagram calling down a curse in the name of Beelzebub-- others would call it discerning
Except that Gargamel's the bad guy who always loses. Ditto Skelator.
Also, are you sure that's Beelzebub and not Balshazar?
"One may call it paranoid to consider cartoons such as the Smurfs occultic in content, but when the Smurfs feature Gargamel standing in the middle of a pentagram calling down a curse in the name of Beelzebub"
And "The Magic Roundabout " was actually written by Brit Eric Thompson (Father of Emma), and it was Haim Saban that created "Samurai Pizza Cats "; also "Mighty Morphing Power Rangers ", and they weren't originally French & Japanese, respectively, with English dialogue & US-filmed scenes crowbar-ed into such, amirite?
"The Smurfs" is a Belgian creation. And yes, you are paranoid if you think otherwise.
Different cultural attitudes .
For fuck's sake, nobody tell Janine here about "Oscar's Oasis ". The fact it's a Franco-South Korean creation would make her head implode with that geo-cultural paradox this 21st Century "Roadrunner"-esque animation represents.
South Korea has it's own Manwha equivalent of Japanese Hentai , you know, Jinny.
Smurfs feature Gargamel standing in the middle of a pentagram calling down a curse in the name of Beelzebub
Gargamel's the BAD GUY, dummy! If a BAD GUY is doing the stuff you find barfy, then you should take it as a baddie being...well...bad!
But of course, Papa Smurf does that Ol' Tyme Magicks, too....why aren't you complaining about that wise hero GOOD GUY?
1) Satanic Panic of the 80s are over and the book is dated. And bullshit too
2) Gargamel was the villain. You referenced the show, at least know that
Michaelsen swallowed hook, line and sinker the fabrications of Laurel Rose Willson, who falsely claimed to have given birth to three children as a result of rape; two were allegedly killed in snuff films, and the third was supposedly sacrificed in her presence at a Satanic ritual.
Not satisfied with that level of deception, Willson then moved on to fraud. She created a fake identity, falsely claimed to be a Holocaust survivor, and collected thousands of dollars in donations intended for survivors.
This is the woman Michaelsen unquestioningly accepted and championed. And hundreds of people were falsely accused -- and some convicted and jailed -- in the panic Michaelsen helped create.
Oh goody! the 80's are back! Now do the weird occult symbols of Proctor and Gamble, Nabisco, and Arm and Hammer!
Hokus Pokus, you're a Jokus!
PS: The big "G" of General Mills is really the sign of Chaos! Transportation for the Horned One and all his minions provided by Ford Taurus! "Twinkie" said backward is an invocation to the Pagan goddess of stupidity.
It's stupid, but worth a good giggle.
Anyone have that Re-dubbed chick track on DnD? I think this is the right place for it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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