Rabbi Lazer Brody #fundie breslev.co.il
The Yetzer doesn't want you attaining your soul correction, so he fights to keep you away from here and gives you fifty reasons to remain in the Diaspora.
Patience is the key to emuna. Rebbe Nachman tells us that the only place on the world where a person can attain true patience is in the Land of Israel.
All prayers rise by way of the Land of Israel. A person's prayers are strongest in the Land of Israel, to the extent that they can work miracles, above the limitations of nature.
Our forefathers were barren outside of Israel, but Abraham and Sara came here and had children. This can work for you too.
The air of the Land of Israel makes a person's brain function better. The Talmud teaches that a person can fulfill his intellectual potential only in the Land of Israel. That's understandable, because the more emuna a person has, the better his or her mind functions. Since the Land of Israel is the place of emuna, one can attain a broadening of the mind here.
The Torah teaches that Hashem's eyes never depart from the Land of Israel. Therefore, those who are privileged to dwell here enjoy a maximum measure of Divine providence over their lives.
The Land of Israel is the source of blessings, for all blessings are derived from here.
If you yearn for fulfillment, emuna, fulfilling your potential, raising your children in the best way possible, living as a Jew, and attaining personal freedom, then come home to the Land of Israel!