ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net
[Part of a response to a Christian who feels like God has abandoned him]
Yes I am blunt and I know sometimes I can hurt people by being so, but you have to understand that this is not about you, it is about God. You owe Him everything and He owes you nothing, not even the next breath. Have you eaten today? If so then thank God for it. Do you have clothes? If so then thank God. Get out your Bible and start reading it. Read Paul's letters to the churches. Most all of them were written from prison cells. Have you been in prison because of Christ? If so then praise God that you were found worthy of suffering for Him.
Have your efforts brought even one soul into the kingdom? If so then praise God, the angels do every time one soul comes to know God. Even if you don't know of anyone who has come to Christ because of your efforts, the point is you have no idea how God has used you, or if someone you don't know about came to Him because of your witness. However, the kind of witness you gave in the message to me will not win souls.
God has not been defeated by Satan but it appears that you have. Ask God to forgive you for thinking that He has betrayed you. If you are not willing to do that, then at least quit calling yourself a Christian so that you don't harm souls.