Cyberzyme #conspiracy
History is always written by the victor and in the case of our history the victors of WW1 and WW2 both were the elite bankers as the world was lied to as to the true reason for the wars. Hitler was not the bad person they made him out to be he was made bad by the banker elites and the politicians who were in bed with the bankers. They backed him into a corner with no way out even after he tried to solve the war diplomatically they wanted him dead and the German people crushed for trying to break away from the bankers vise like grip over the country and the people.
No leader of any country has ever done so much in so little of time for the people of their country. This can only happen if the people were behind that leader 100%. These are facts that can be seen by anyone and can not be denied, all one has to do a little research. It is also true that such a leader would have to love his people also evident by what he did to get them out of poverty and into prosperity. For those who would deny such things I say you did no research and are closed minded. It is easier to do nothing then something, it is easier to destroy then create. What one Nation created in just five years it took many nations seven years to destroy. This says volumes about how much Hitler and the German people did and how hard they worked and fought to keep what they accomplished only to go down in defeat all because the true Monsters of the World had an agenda to destroy so they could control the World and that agenda is still in play today. They continue destroying Nations so they can rebuild them to fit a model to suit them and not the general population.
I see as usual some people are making this out to be about Jews and Germans and that was not the case. Cherry picking facts to fit a model of anti Jew point of view is the common current accepted theme behind WW2 but that is just not true. The truth is it was about Banker Elites and ruling class people who wanted Power and control for the purpose of social and economic engineering an agenda of mad men the true monsters of History as it will one day be known. It is a fact that the top bankers of the time as well as in our current time are the ones who are writing history demonizing Germans as monsters as a way of distracting people away from the truth that it was a War of economics, power and control not Jews and Germans. It is also a fact that over 100 times more people of died and suffered from these mad men War mongering control freaks over the last 125 years then in WW2 and there were way more non Jews killed then Jews proof of cherry picking facts to fit a model. This is a great read and should be read by everyone. For those who say no facts are presented you did not see the forest through the trees.