
Dr. Jerry Prevo #fundie adn.com

[About an ordinance to ban discrimination against gays in Anchorage]

Here are just some of the reasons I am against the homosexual ordinance.

It would allow any man to dress like a woman and use any public women's restroom. Ladies, do you want that to happen? If not then you should contact the Anchorage Assembly and show up at the June 9 public hearing.

A man in a highly visible sales job could come to work dressed like a woman.

A person of either sex who indulges a taste for extreme sexual promiscuity and pornography during working hours could not be stopped or fired even though it damages the company's image.

Maybe, worst of all, this ordinance would allow a man who teaches a second grade class or any grade to show up as a woman in the classroom and the School District could do nothing because of this ordinance.

The Republican Party of Alaska #fundie adn.com

[Reported in a news article headlined "'Creation science' enters the race":]

The Republican Party of Alaska platform says, in its section on education: "We support giving Creation Science equal representation with other theories of the origin of life. If evolution is taught, it should be presented as only a theory."