
Jennie #sexist allthingsvice.com

Men disgust me. They are solely responsible for child porn, rapes, torture, murder, sexual harassment, domestic violence, renting prostitutes, watching porn, producing porn, stalkings, and more deviant, evil acts. “The evil that men do lives on and on..” There could never be a truer quote. Men protect other men, that’s why we never know the names of all of the men who buy or rent kids and infants for sexual purposes, who rent prostitutes (johns), rapists, etc. Judges who are men give rapists and murderers of women a slaps on the wrist, if anything. Evil. The destruction (mostly murder) of females is called “Femicide.” It’s getting worse every second. Women are honor killed, forced to have their genitals mutilated, murdered, tortured, sexually harassed, emotionally abused, etc. exclusively by men. When confronted with these atrocities, men try to change the subject quickly. “Women do this stuff too,” they claim. Bullshit.

They just cannot face facts and admit that they are guilty of these crimes against women. Which sex takes up all of the prisons and jails? Males. This is because men are notoriously violent, sadistic, and sick in the head. Women give life and men destroy it. I wish that some day all men could pay dearly for their crimes. Castration would be a great way to start. Rapists can not be rehabilitated. This is a well known fact. Just cut it off. Problem solved. There must be radical ways to deal with evil men, or life will never improve for women in this world. Thanks to patriarchy, this will never happen. Radical measures must be taken. I’ll leave them to your imagination so I don’t go to prison or a psychiatric ward—.