
AWD #racist angrywhitedude.com

What this racial profiling debate comes down to is this. Blacks like the NAACP and their leftist ilk demand that blacks receive the same benefit of the doubt regarding violent crime as other racial groups even when blacks commit the vast majority. This is akin to saying, I’ll step over that rattlesnake because I bet he won’t bite me. Maybe he’s a peaceful rattlesnake.

Here’s the deal. Stereotypes, while unpopular and offensive to the ever-offended politically correct world, are usually rooted in truth. For example, think about the stereotypes of these groups:

• Mormons – large families, good neighbors, don’t smoke or drink, strange religious beliefs
• Muslims – violent repressive cult that kills or destroys everything it comes into contact with
• Texans – independent, conservative patriots who believe in the Constitution
• New Yorkers – gay
• Feminists – ugly
• Blacks – under-performers with a propensity for violence

The truth liberals and politically correct conservatives don’t want to admit but there is a great amount of truth in each of these stereotypes. Certainly there are exceptions to these stereotypes. Is every New Yorker gay? No. They’re at least bi-sexual. Is every Texan a patriot? No, we have New York transplants in Austin. Are all feminists ugly? Yes, they are!

Here’s the rub with the NAACP and their ilk and reality. Blacks don’t get the same benefit of doubt as Mormons because Mormons don’t usually commit crimes in large numbers. If blacks want to be given the same respect as other groups when it comes to suspicions, they must earn it. Instead of whining against the logic and reason for blacks being viewed suspiciously by society (even Jesse Jackson), they should criticize the sizable criminal element in their community that causes the suspicion. Their self-serving whining goes against the logic of self-preservation. Political correctness is an insult to logic and reason. PC is the converse of intelligence.


If blacks are viewed negatively by society, it is because their actions have taught society to fear them. When black youth begin escorting old ladies across the road instead of shooting them and stealing their purses, Americans will stop profiling them as criminals. When blacks act like a pair of Mormon missionaries, they will be afforded the same treatment. People might still avoid them as they do Mormon missionaries but it won’t because they’re worried about being the victim of crime.

No one is forcing blacks to commit violent crimes. Some like the NAACP, MSNBC and Democrats support the violence committed by blacks by consistently making excuses for it. AWD has asked this question numerous times over the years and no leftist has yet to answer: Wouldn’t the black community and America be much better off if black males, who make up 3% of the population, would commit only 3% of murders and violent crimes and not 51%? If one utilizes logic and reason to answer instead of political correctness, the answers are quite simple.

Black America would be much better off listening to reasonable black voices who call for responsibility and civil behavior from their community instead of the race-baiters who make their living off of crying racism. There is a great many blacks who have broken the chains of ignorance in their community and live peaceful, productive lives away from the nightmare that occurs daily in America’s black ghettos.

RedStaterNYC #racist angrywhitedude.com

The Failed Race

Awash with a mix of sadness and rage at the latest act of senseless violence perpetrated upon an innocent and upstanding member of society, I ask: Why bother posting this latest outrageous murder of a defenseless white person at the hands of feral blacks, when there will just be another one tomorrow to bury today’s headline?

From infants to the elderly, from mothers to war vets, no one is safe from the random, vicious savagery of blacks. No one.

Ever since the races of the northern climes began to travel and mix with other races, up until about fifty years ago, it was common sense that the races were different. We look different and behave differently, and, with time, science would show that we also have anatomical and biological differences as well as cognitive differences.

Rather than accept reality, white leftists have been on an Orwellian crusade to force everyone to believe the fantasy that race is only a “social construct” and that there are no fundamental differences amongst racial groups (“it’s only a difference in ‘melanin levels’,” etc.), and that therefore any differences in outcome of racial groups is necessarily a product of evil, racist oppression by whites (and whites only).

Fueled by this patent nonsense, the entirety of the US political, media, and educational establishments lurched toward “righting past wrongs” by tyrannically imposing an endless litany of decrees, propaganda, and indoctrination whose sole purpose was to uplift blacks—the world over—out of their squalor and violent dysfunction.

Fifty years later— after abolishing Jim Crow laws; after forced bussing, forced school integration, and forced community integration by the federal government and the courts; after the sundry Affirmative Action laws; after Johnson’s “war on poverty”; after endless “disparate impact” rulings allowing state-sponsored discrimination against whites in favor of blacks; after trillions of dollars in food, medical, and other aid to Africa; after sacrificing blood and treasure in black hell-holes from Haiti to Somalia; after ending Apartheid; after forgiving every sin and failure of every black due to the legacy of “slavery” and “racism”; after pouring trillions into a school system that is obsessively focused on closing the “achievement gap” between blacks and other races (all the while doing nothing whatsoever to close that gap, but successfully sinking to rank lowest amongst developed nations); after electing and appointing blacks into positions of power throughout the land—up to and including the nation’s highest office; after coming up with every excuse imaginable as to why so many blacks continue to be stupid, ignorant, violent, corrupt, criminal, rude, nasty, and hopeless after so much time, money, effort, blood, sweat, and good will has been showered upon them to the exclusion of all other races—at what point do we say enough is enough? At what point do we admit that, while the experiment was noble, it has utterly failed? That blacks are, on the whole, a failed race? That we have done enough—more than enough—so we now will let them sink or swim on their own merits, or lack thereof?

Are we, as a people, capable of admitting the truth? Are we capable of summoning the courage necessary to accept unpleasant realities while scuttling comforting fantasies? Are we capable of deprogramming ourselves from the better part of a century’s worth of culture-wide brainwashing and reestablishing a just and civil society that is based upon evidence and reason instead of wishful thinking?

The answers to these questions will mean the difference between a rebirth of American exceptionalism, vs. a continued slide into becoming but one more hopelessly dysfunctional, third-world hell-hole.