
Anonymous #fundie aubscares.tumblr.com

You know if moms could kill their children after they're born (besides post natal abortion, I'm talking older than a few minutes here) and we gave pro choicers' mothers the chance to "abort" them, you'd bet your ass pro choicers would be backpeddling because you know damn well most of their mothers didn't want them in the first place.

Anonymous and aubscares #fundie aubscares.tumblr.com

Anonymous: you never hear of pro choicers helping any women who were forced to abort by abusive boyfriends or by family. They never offer sympathy to women who (luckily this is EXTREMELY rare) were forced to abort or else they'd die. They only gloat because "YAH WE NEED DAT FOR ABORTION RIGHTS!"

aubscares: Very VERY true. I’ve actually never even thought of that. They’re all about “choices” but many young girls are pressured into an abortion by their boyfriend/parents. But of course pro-choicers suddenly don’t care about “choice” in those situations at all.