
blackattraction #fundie blackattraction.tumblr.com

This is transexualism in a joke:

“I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.”

Basically, they want what they can’t be. They are not wired that way or born in the wrong body. It’s just simply they wish they were the opposite. I could go on and express what I mean in more jokes:

“I sexually identify as a tree.”
“I sexually identify as a picture frame.”
“I sexually identify as a fart.”
“I sexually identify as the color grey.”

You can’t be mad. You know it’s true.

Hermaphrodites, though, actually are in a confusing situation and are the real deal. Literally born that way, I guess. :( BTW if you swing it’s choice. Bisexuals.

#gonna get people mad but idc #LGBT #craziness #smh #LGBT is not even close to the struggles of black America and elsewhere #if you compare the two you deserve what you get #Civil RIghts was for men women and children #not gender goofs #who at one point in time supported pederasty #and lowering age of consent like some creepy religious Alabama man named Moore...