
Rapnsum #fundie blog.beliefnet.com

National Health Care is all about rationing. This idea began with the Eugenics movement and they are still very active today. In addition, they want to FORCE all of us to pay for the killing of babies through abortion in this Health Care Bill. Who will they get to carry out these eugenic decisions: Planned Parenthood, of course. Planned Parenthood, the nation's top abortion provider, needs to be exposed for their eugenic and racist roots. Planned Parenthood's founders were elitist eugenicists who wanted to eliminate entire groups of people? Planned Parenthood’s renowned founder, Margaret Sanger wanted the "unfit" to be segregated to "Farms and open spaces" until their moral conduct could be corrected. Does that sound like a foundation of "choice?" Sanger admitted in her autobiography that she gave speeches to the Klan . Margaret Sanger was a member of the American Eugenics Society and so were many on the Planned Parenthood Board, including former Planned Parenthood VP, Alan Guttmacher. But, alas, where is the media to bring this out to the public's attention? Sanger formed the organization The American Birth Control League which later became known as Planned Parenthood. Several American Birth Control League board members formed the group: National Society for the Legalization of Euthanasia as early as 1938. Many of that group’s founders were Sanger Board Members and joint members of the Eugenics Society, a group Planned Parenthood Founder , Margaret Sanger , belonged to as well. ( SEE NYT “Sanction is sought for ‘mercy deaths” 1/17/1938). , Educate yourself about this by watching a documentary called: Maafa21. Get it here: http://www.maafa21.com. Read Sanger;s writings for yourself here: http://www.lifedynamics.com/library/