
kiddlebuzz #fundie boards.courttv.com

If we could prove everything written in the Bible; then we wouldn't need God, now would we? For by Faith alone in Jesus Christ can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I can't help but feel sorry for misguided misfits like you who will never be counted in the Book of Life to enter Heaven. We sure will miss you!!!

kiddlebuzz #fundie boards.courttv.com

[There are over 8000 gods that humans have created to believe in, your odds aren't that great.]

Sorry to hear about your flimsy belief in 8000 gods. My Bible only mentions 1 God; so you've confirmed my belief that I'm Heavenbound!!! O Yeah ~ Praise The Lord!!!

Patriot #fundie boards.courttv.com

[Atheists and Fstdt.]

(Atheists have started many of the threads in the religion forum.)

And what I find so interesting is that the majority of them are to bash religion. Finding and posting sites to show stupid quotes and what buffoons Christians are, searching the internet to find the most extreme weirdos claiming the name "Christian" to post and show "what Christians are", posting links to show how assanine a belief is, making sure to bring to light another horrible thing a Christian has done and on and on and on. And then we have this one that starts out with an insult about the "nonsense people believe". Yet, I don't see many topics started by Christians to claim they have the only way, or to show stupidity on the part of atheists, or how atheists are taking away yet another right. And yet, Christians are the "hateful, intolerant" ones. Odd.

As for this post - Christians are hatemongers and bigots. How many do you know that hate blacks? LOL. I know lots of NON Christians that do, but that doesn't fit, lol. We visit here so we can laugh at you, ha ha ha! And then a big 'ole "shame on you!" at the end for emphasis. So much for honest and intelligent discussion. Isn't it "ironical"?

boscorelli #fundie boards.courttv.com

HELL does exists,it is a real place. CHRISTIANITY JUDISM,
HINDUISM,ZEN BUDDHISM and ISLAM all believe and teach ,there is a place called HELL.

GOD doesn't send anyone to HELL.People make their conscience choices,through the freedom of their wills.
John Couey has been convicted of kidnapping,child molestation and murdering;burying alive his victum JESSICA.
On the various links surrounding this case,everyone was calling for the death penalty and freely talked about the pains in HELL he would recieve.
I have heard of the Harry Potter books;but have no intention of reading them.

People have the freedom to deny the very existence of HELL,as they so please.

boscorelli #fundie boards.courttv.com

18 year old crashes minivan into utility pole and dies. The 18 year was drinking and driving and had taken his mother's minivan without her permission.
Choices he made.
1. Took minivan without mother's permission.=theft.
2. Drinking and driving He knew that drinking and driving was wrong= reckless behavior.
Utility pole was damaged= power outage ???? unclear
Police notified his mother of the accident and death.Thankfully no one else was involved.
Now this woman will have to bury her son and hopfully the damage to the minivan can be repaired

This 18 year old made choices to disobey GOD's Will.One theft of a car;and choiceing to drink while driving.
These were his last acts of conscience behavior.
When a person makes a deliberate choice to disobey GOD and dies,in the act of disobedience,they go straight to hell.

Fire&Ice #fundie boards.courttv.com

(what about people who never heard of Jesus?)

You can't accept Him after you die because you're DEAD! Your actions and you heart will do the talking for you.
As far as everyone knowing about Christ~ There are these really neat inventions called TV and Radio! The Indians have them on their reservation along with their gambling casinos.

Every since person hears the truth before dying. They make the choice more than once.