
Chechar AKA Cesar Tort #homophobia chechar.files.wordpress.com

(By “ephebes”, he means androgynous teenage boys who look like women)

I am not a homo for the simple reason that I’d find repugnant any contact with a masculine face, and its body. And no: I am not ashamed for what I said in that thread at all. Precisely because they try to imitate them, queers represent a blasphemous insult to the nymphs and the underage ephebes. Faggots are like massive bears with the heart of a butterfly. Comparing Gitone with any of them is like comparing a vulgar, Felliniesque fat harlot with the Florentine Fete girls that appear on the cover of this book.

The so-called gay movement is like an Australopithecus africanus, after touching the black monolith of 2001: A Space Odyssey, has a glimpse of the mysterium tremendum of the universe. Alas, unlike the film this ape immediately fancies himself the astronaut Dave Bowman ready for the second leap forward in the path to Overman. Or even worse: he believes that he now wears a white miniskirt like the one that Ascyltus threw over Gitone in the Fellini film, and he further believes that the other apes will now consider this still primitive, apeish missing link as if he was a consecrated soprano of the future worth to listen and contemplate.

Nowadays, it does not occur to these Australopithecuses that a huge, four-and-a-half million leap forward is necessary for that specific dream to become true, or that presently only the androgynous ephebes, premature embryos of a yet not verified future, have the right of homosexuality—and only during his tender teens.