
Chuck Ness #conspiracy christians-worldview.blogspot.com

Why am I so not into how bad Irma is? I mean, for 8 years the Obama administration worked diligently to turn both NASA and the National Weather Service into “Climate Change Command Centers” or as I will affectionately refer to them in my opinion, the (CCCC). Please tell me how can I take it anymore serious than an average Hurricane at best?

—Look, we are talking about models created by a computer programmer which we all know has been influenced by their desire for us to buy into the Climate Change hoax. All for the purpose of taking out money and our freedom so they turn our country into a 3rd world nation controlled by the despots who are running the UN.

Added to this over hyped event that is steadily covering our eyes with a blanket of wool, is the fact we are continually told by both Democrats and the Republican elitists that we cannot feasibly deport 10 million illegal aliens. Yet, we are now watching 10's of millions of Americans being scared into evacuating Southern and Western Florida? I had to share that because it always goes through my head every time we are told to abandon our homes because of a flood, fire, or hurricane headed our way.

—Hey, I only share that fear, because the CCCC model that was wrong about where Harvey was headed to, is the same model that is telling us Florida is doomed. Think about it? They need storms to be thought of as being bigger, stronger, and more devastating than ever so that charlatans like Al Gore can continue scaring the crap out of the masses of uneducated people who have been indoctrinated by their public education system. So laugh all you want, but in your heart of heart you know I am right.

Think about it, these are the very same people who's computer model said Hurricane Harvey would hit Corpus Christi, then go inland, loop around back into the Gulf, and then slam back into Corpus Christi a second time? Yet, what happened? The darn thing failed to listen to a flawed computer model and instead headed North to Houston where no one was prepared. Consider it well. Millions were caught off guard and many died because another another supporter of CCCC's Climate Change hoax told the citizens of his city not to evacuate. I speak of Houston's Mayor, Sylvester Turner.

I know, I am questioning the evacuation of 10's of millions in Southern and Western Florida, while mocking the Mayor of Houston for not evacuating. Well, my point is not whether or not to evacuate, my point is the computer models we are told are infallible. Why now, after Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate accord are we seeing such huge hurricanes? They need to convince us that Donald Trump is a fool for pulling out of the Paris Accord, and the predicted massive Hurricanes is their proof that Climate change exists, and it's America's fault. Watch, I expect the accusations will come soon.

—As for their flawed computer models, I won't be surprised if Hurricane Irma heads into the Gulf. Just look at where it is right now. Irma's direction of path is just 5 degrees North of straight West. Well, I can see this thing getting into the warm waters of the Gulf that will build this thing up to a category 6 or 7 before hitting landfall in a place no one is prepared, and no one has a chance to get out of the way. I'm sure their goofy computer model has room for category 6 and 7 type Hurricanes. It has to, because the CCCC needs Hurricanes to get bigger so they can continue selling Climate Change to the uneducated masses.