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WW2 – Hitler funded by Jewish Zionist bankers

Many Labor Zionists are not Jews but High level Roman Catholics , like High Jesuits and High Papal Knights many of them to find in the CFR / Trilateral Commission , British crown , Bilderberg group etc etc

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And concerning the definition of Zionism there are at least SIX different kinds of Zionism and most of them are not bad at all , its Labor Zionism and Christian Zionism that are bad and have a diabolical Jesuit agenda.

Nazi’s – Zionist Bankers controlled by High Level Freemasonry and Vatican Knighthoods

The ZI in Nazi is from (Labor) Zionists , The NA is from National Socialists

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The truth is that Hitler was mainly brought to power by at least 3 to 4 important men , The Archbischop of Munich , Knight of Malta reichs chancellor Franz von Papen , Steel Industrialists Fritz Thyssen and Pope Pius XII and he was financed by the Labor Zionists (the ZI in NAZI) like the Warburgs , Rothschilds , schiffs , Brown brothers Harriman and co and many other industrialists , like Shell , Ford , Standard OIL , IG Farben and a host of others

Nazi Germany – A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits