
Copper, Gold_Certificate, UnderMiSensi, soulbrother, Black_Samson and DNB1 #fundie community.allhiphop.com

[A British university lecturer (white) commits suicide after she suffers harassment from three vicious drug-dealers (all three of them white) next door.]

Copper: 'krackas are fragile as fuk....killing urself b/c ur next door neighbors talk shit and sell drugs?? really bish?'

Gold_Certificate: 'Good riddance.

What a piece of shit she was.'

UnderMiSensi: 'If only krackas were this fragile during slavery and shortly after slavery ended, shit would've been much easier for black folks to get on top.'

soulbrother: '$20 says one of them drug dealing niggas hit that...'

Black_Samson: 'wow... she over rated her value as a bony blonde haired blue eyed white bitch.

her suicide will be meaningless...'

[On the next page]

DNB1: 'Why not just move?

Dumb white people...at least if you gonna murk yaself, she could of have murked the dealers first....'