
Didact #conspiracy didactsreach.blogspot.com

Well, it turns out that the entire scene ['Star Wars'' climactic battle], and the ideas that led up to it, have a lot to do with the current state of the culture wars.

Let us do a little number-crunching first to see why.

You see, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! control between them ninety-five percent of the global search market, with Google's market share at around 86% across all platforms and hitting 93% for mobile searches.

In terms of social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit control between them about 76% of the US market alone.

In the mobile and instant messaging market, Facebook (through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp) alone controls about 48% of the market, and Facebook and Microsoft together control 53% of it.

So, no matter where you look, the platforms for speech, communication, and social media are controlled by a handful of giant, oligopolistic operators. And they act in concert to a truly frightening degree.

They are, essentially, a giant monolithic threat to freedom of expression, individual rights, and association.

If one were to flail around for a decent metaphor for purposes of comparison, one might just be able to say that the modern Left controls a GIANT HONKIN' BATTLE STATION - that's no moon - with a HUGE-ASS LASER FULL OF THOUGHT-DESTROYING ASS-BEAT, designed specifically to assplode through de-platforming the living bejeezus out of any remaining bastions of free thought and expression.

In other words - the Left is the Empire and has a Death Star (or three, or ten, depending on how you count them), and we of the Hard Right are the plucky heroic Rebellion. This sort of suits us, since we do believe in shooting first when confronted by a mortal threat and have no interest whatsoever in blaster control of any kind.