
Jen #conspiracy drmomma.org

There should be a blanket rule: just don't let the pediatrician take off the diaper ever. What do they need to see anyway? Or how about not going to the pediatrician in the first place, they just wanna mess with your kid and make more money. Toxic vaccines, foreskin retraction, yikes. I recommend only taking your kid in if they have an earache or broke their arm. Healthy breastfed kids are perfect and doctors just mess with em, foreskin retraction being one prime example. My kids don't have any allergies, no doctor ever retracted their foreskin or shot them up with poisonous vaccines, they therefore don't have asthma, adhd, autism, they don't need glasses, they are perfect weight, they are perfect in every way and its because I kept them away from the goddamn doctors who would have wanted to cut their weiner off and shoot 'em up. There you have it, I said it. Take your kid in only if he has an earache, rash, broken arm, etc, but not if they are well!!!! Any "well child" visits are just a scam to make money off of your kid and create illnesses with vaccines that they will later make tons of money off treating.