
Jonard (AKA Daniel Knight) #fundie eternian.wordpress.com

“Science” also said living fossils shouldn’t exist, yet they do you fact-ignoring ape.Could anyone make a dumber claim, how about “Science proves religion doesn’t work”? “Science” says, so say atheists and anti-Bible morons, that the Bible is wrong, and yet those claims are repeatedly proven wrong. Science supposedly said the Shroud of Turin was a fake, and yet science also said afterwards that that claim was unscientific. Science according to many atheists and cultists has made God and the Bible obsolete. How so? A better shovel doesn’t make God obsolete, and a better computer won’t defeat God’s will, how could they? Could science rather have proved God repeatedly, and many assume it’s not so and so don’t bother to look into such research? Science has been repeatedly used successfully to show that God does exist by putting his word to the test. And if God does exist, what matters most is what his will is, because if you anger him, and it’s true his will is send most people to Hell who do disobey him, I hope you wouldn’t want to end up being one of those he decides to get rid of.

Knight #fundie eternian.wordpress.com

[From his profile:]

Global Warmingists pretend to care about a one degree rise in temperature a hundred years after they've died, while promoting the cold-blooded mass slaughter of children in the womb, and ignoring the eternal fire of Hell that awaits those who lie and murder. What a horrific irony.