
John Oakes #fundie evidenceforchristianity.org

There is a third reason many do not accept faith in Jesus. This group may very well be the largest group, but I have not studied the question carefully. This is the group who are well aware, or at least sufficiently well aware of who Jesus is and the evidence for the Bible and for the deity of Christ, but who are unwilling to accept the implications. If Jesus is Lord and master, then I am his servant. If what Jesus said is true, then I am in trouble over my sin and need to repent of that sin. For a great number of people, the requirement of Jesus that we repent of our sins and turn our life over to him is sufficient reason to not be a Christian. What a great number of people do about this fact is that they choose not to believe. To believe is to necessitate change. We rationalize our unbelief. The way Paul puts it in Romans 1:18,19 many, because of their unrighteousness, “suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident—” The way Jesus put it, “This, then, is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.” The people in Jesus’ day had plenty of reason to believe in Jesus. The resurrection of Lazarus spoke for itself. Yet, many refuse to come into the light. What these people end up doing is they find a way to rationalize away belief in Jesus. They manufacture logical arguments, twist or ignore data to justify not believing in Jesus. I have read a great number of books by skeptics and critics of Christianity. Most of their arguments are so obviously false as to be silly, yet these writers are convinced of their arguments. It is my experience that what people believe has more to do with emotion than evidence. When belief in something challenges our security, our pride, our desire to seek pleasure, we are more than willing to conveniently ignore the evidence and to construct a belief in something that is not true. I believe that if you think about it, you will be able to think of many personal situations of people you know who blatantly ignore obvious truth because they cannot handle the implications.

So, there are a variety of reasons people do not believe. One thing for sure, it is not for lack of evidence or due to lack of time for the evidence to have gotten around. Our job as believers is to try to help all three groups of non-believers to come into the light through our personal example and careful instruction.

The reason you do not see the evidence for Christ on TV or in the media in general is that Satan and non-believers in general have control of the media. The reason information about DNA has spread whereas the gospel has not is that people, in general, do not have an emotional reason to reject belief in DNA.