
Anonymous #fundie evolutionblog.blogspot.com

It's apparent you're not a scientist. The fairy tale of evolutionism is a stark reminder of how scientist have duped the arrogant atheist into a dogmatic approach to reinforce his pseudo intellectualism. If you haven't figured out by now that evolution was nothing more than a concoction of scientific terms and related stories to describe bones that they absolutely have no idea about, you're a fool! Stephen Jay Gould attempted to appease the hypothesis with the Punctated Equibrium theory. A last ditch effort to restore the fictious rhetoric into a truth. Read the book as a critic with an open mind and you will see that it is pathetic to call it scientific or credible. In my opinion. Gould and rest of the story tellers degree's are worthless. Evolution never happen.It only happen in man's vain mind. So go ahead and show your outrage towards the Creationist. That doesn't change the scientific facts at all. It did NOT ever occur! Scientism is alive and well in the religious community of the atheist. Good day.James